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Osborn Hollow Broome Co. N.Y. Feb. 3rd [1837?]
Dear Friends

I have but a few minutes to devote to writing to you this evening nor have I anything special to communicate. But our folks say I must write a few words and if nothing [more], urge you to resume a long neglected ... correspondence. What may have been the cause of so long delay, we are not able to conjecture. We hope you have some good reason for taxing our patience so high, and that we shall soon ..... our anxious suspense. Eliza wrote her page a week ago but I was then .. little out of health and consequently unable to write anything myself. And so it has been delayed till another mail and now I have regained my health and we are all very well. I am doing considerable towards finishing our house this year but shall ... gon through this season. But it is far more comfortable than it was when you, Sister Hannah, was here. We experience a long and severe [winter] in this section. Snow commenced falling in Sept .... has fallen more or less every month since, and is a good depth on the ground now. And we ... experience a scarcity of provisions which added .... the surities of a ... hard winter im ... poorer classes of inhabitants in much suffer ... ourselves as to fairly have a plenty to ma[ke us] comfortable. I cannot stop to write more now...

J. R. Osborn

Mrs. Hannah Philips

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