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The following letter was directed on the back as follows:
Osborn Hollow N. Y.
Jan the 21 N. Y.
J. R. Osborn P. M.
postage 25
Mrs. Hannah Phillips
Lewis County Va. Brooks postoffice
French Creek Settlement
Osborn Hollow Jan. 11th, 1832

Dear and respected Sister,

We have given you just reason to suspect the sincerety of our friendship or that your letter communicating the afflective tidings of your bereavement never reached us.

But whatever will have been the excuse of your mind on the subject, ere this reaches you I hope it may serve to convince that you still have a place in our rememberance and that we thro the influence of Divine grace have here to sympathize with the afflicted and especially with our dear relatives. The tidings of Brother Abiezer's death and long been anticipated. His state of health had been such for many month . . . . . .very reasonable . . . . . his contiuing long to comfort you in this thorny . . . . . . . being apprised of these facts we were in a measure prepared for the communications of his departure and to hear that he left the world in the enjoyment of a Saviour's love in the triumph a blessed a Christian faith and that your loss is his infinite gain, we cannot but discover a mixture of mercy in this otherwise affliction dispensation of Divine Providence. A large breach is undoubtedly made in you worldly prospects and enjoyments but a sanctified improvement of the dispensation will serve to teach us our dependence on God; to point us to duty; and fit us to follow our dear friend to the land of unsullied bliss. All the excuse I can make for not writing . . . that I have been waiting for some other one of our . . . . to write and . . . . but just returned from a job of mill work on the Chenango river which was further off and kept longer from home than any one in which I was ever before engaged. My family were severely afflicted during my absence but in order to leave a page of this sheet for some of them to occupy, I cannot write paticulars. I would mention, however, that owing to the manner you superscribe letters intended for us, they lodge in an office 8 miles distant, which to remedy, after the name of the person, only subjoin Osborn Hollow Broome county N.Y.

I remain dear sister respectfully yourse JOSEPH R. OSBORN

(On the other page of this sheet another letter was written in another hand writing.)

My Dear Aunt

It is with pleasure that I attempt to write a few lines to you. As Father has written, I shall go on to relate some few particulars. I would only say that the death of Uncle Abiezer was afflictive news. But I humbly hope and trust he has gone to rest in Abraham's bosom. It is grievous to think of your bereavement. But you have a precious promise left you. The Lord hath said I will be a Father to the Fatherless and the widows God ...has the Canker rash has been through the neighborhood. It visited our family. We had a tegious [tedious?] time. There were five of us sick at a time. Sister had the black canker. We did not ...would live for several days. But through the blessing of divine providence, she is again restored to health. As death is prevalent in our land, it behooves us to be always ready to go. Uncle John Cross and Sis... came down here a visiting this winter and ...week. And we had a very agreeable visit....Grandmother has been afflicted with a ...on her hand and therefore is unable to write. Melissa is well and sends her love and respect to Aunt. Her husband is the heartyest now that he has been for some four or five years. Aunt Caty is keeping house for grandfather at present. You did not write any thing what you expected to do. We should be very glad to have you come here. Grandfather says if you want to come he will help you about it. He says he will go and meet you or if Joseph will come and take his place in the family, he will go and clear there. Please do write what you purpose to do. Permelia sends her love to a Aunt and all her cousins. Please to give our love to cousin Young and his family. Please to excuse my scribbleings and mistakes.

I remain your unworthy but affectionate niece Mother says you must write back just as soon as you receive this letter
Hannah Phillips

Eliza M. Osborn

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