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The following letter is diracted on the back as follows:

Osborn Hollow N. Y. Aug. 25
J. R. Osborn P.M.

Mrs. Hannah Philips,
French Creek Lewis Co., Va

Osborn Hollow August 24th, 1833

Affectionate sister,

Although I possess but an indifferent taste for letter writing yet I feel particularly urged today from a sense of obligation to acknowledge the favour to reading your letter to our dear parents of May last disclosing to our minds sources of additional afflictions. But that you have Divine support under them all, we are glad to hear. Continue to trust in the Lord. Many and gracious are the promises which God has been pleased to make concerning the widow and the fatherless. You still share in our sympathies and would that you...separated from us by such a distance as to preclude all reasonable hope that we shall ever enjoy a personal interview on earth again. Through the Divine blessing, we at present as a family have a neasure of health and many other comforts. Our youngest child and son, Joseph, grows finely and gives evidence already of overcoming the helpless state of infancy by creeping about the room.

We have been favored with a very good harvest this summer but our crop of corn is late and therefore as yet rather doubtful. Contrary to that course of providence which has marked my path in general for the several last years of my life, I have been employed at and near home thus far this season, but am preparing today to leave next Monday for a tour to...after which I have another job engaged, both of which will probably keep me from home till late in the fall.

Mother has written her particulars, which obviates the necessity of my writing anything on their behalf and having nothing important to communicate I must conclude by soliciting a speedy return of this favour (if you deem it a favour) and as frequent repetition of the same whether I write to you or not to be particular to superscribe your communications "Joseph R. Osborn P.M. Osborn Hollow Broome County N.Y."

And by subscribing myself still your affectionate Brother

J.R. Osborn

P.S. Relative to the information elicited on account of your neighbour Wm Rude, all I can say respecting it is that Castle Creek in the name of the Post Office nearest to where I suppose Mr. Levi Rude lives and it is in Broome County N.Y.

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