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The following letter is addressed on the back as follows:

Osborn Hollow N. Y. March 16
J. R. Osborn P.M.
Osborn Hollow

Mrs. Hannah Philips,
French Creek Va. Lewis Co.

Osborn Hollow Broome County, N.Y. March 15th, 1834

Dear Sister Phillips

One of the apostles informs us "that pure Religion and undefiled before God the Father consists in part in visiting the fatherless and widows in their afflictions" and if we consult our own feelings and axperiences, we may justly conclude that when this cannot be done personally if we resort to epistolary means in a right spirit, we shall not fail to impart a degree of consolation and secure a measure of the Divine favour.

Hence, I make another effort at letter writing and you will understand in the sequel why I have delayed so long.

Your letter announcing the death of your daughter Mabel and soliciting letters from Permelia, Eliza, or others of our children was duly received and would probably have met with a more punctual reciprocation but for the intervention of circumstances beyond our control.

Father Sadler was taken violently sick some six or eight weeks ago, during which time Permelia, who has been for some time past living some ten miles distant, happened home on a visit and when I urged her or any of the others to comply with your request or intimated a desire to do so myself, they thought it best to wait till a change in Father's situation--for the worse which was probable, or for the better which was most desirable, took place -- as your mind would be in constant excitement to hear the result. And just as he became convalescent and Permelia was preparing to write, a messenger arrived from the neighborhood of her late residence with a pressing request for her to return and take care of a sick woman there.

And soon after Father regained that degree of health which enabled him to attend to his business, it was my fortune to meet with a severe attack of Pleurisy from which through medical aid and the Divine blessing, I have obtained much relief, but am yet principally confined to the house. And it is with considerable embarrassment that I sit this afternoon and write to you. And believe me, Dear Sister, I should be glad to say my tale of woe is now told but it is not so.

During my sickness, Eliza's health became quite impaired and though her sufferings were not very severe, yet her help was much needed and I now have the happiness to say that she has regained her usual state of helth.

Mother Sadler is at present the greatest sufferer. She has been confined to her bed about a week but is getting sone better. Her state at the worst was not considered dangerous. Sickness at the stomach making dizziness of he head, accompainied with some fever has been her complaint. That of father's was a bilious fever. So we see we share in the afflicitions common and incident to the lot of fallen man and you will readily conseive the direanxiety and labour that was devolved on your dear sister Electa in addition to nursing her babe rendered disquiet and tiresome from decline of health to which children are subject from cutting of teeth, worms, fits. And the Divine presence manifest to keep her spirit up and hope alive amid such trials. These considerations may serve to excuse her from the charitable deed of visiting you during those few weeks of affliction by letter.

I am growing uneasy and can only add we are glad to hear that Divine support is imparted to you commiseration for your trials and privation and to request you to bear in mind the pleasure we take in reading your kind letters.

I remain Dear Sister, affectionately yours,

Josrph R. Osborn

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