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About Me

So you want to know more about me, you nosey bastard! Here goes...

My name is Rob Moody and I originally come from Romsey a small town in southern England but now I have my own flat in Southampton which is the nearest big city. . At the moment I work for Hampshire County Council in the IT department. I've been here for nearly three years now. Before that I was at university at Liverpool Hope University College where I studied French and I.T. spending one year of my course in Marseille teaching French kids English. I had a great time in Liverpool and really didn't want to leave but I had to get a job so I ended up coming back home and working for the Council.

My main interests are sports, the cinema and clubbing. Football and basketball are my main two sports and I love playing both of them. I also watch my local football team, Southampton play whenever I can. I used to go to every game but the people I used to go with have all moved away and it's much harder to tickets these days so now I don't go as often.

I love to go out at the weekend especially if it's to a club. The clubs which I go to the most at the moment are The Rhino Club in Southampton and Slinky at The Opera House in Bournemouth. The Rhino is a small club which is good because you get to know all the people there. They play house music upstairs and rare groove and funk downstairs. I probably go here the most because it's near to home and most of my friends go there. Slinky is a much bigger club playing house in the main room and drum 'n' bass in the other room, the good thing about it is that it gets all the top name djs and there is a return coach from Southampton so you don't have to drive down there. If you're ever in the south of England I can heartily recommend these two nightspots. When I was in Liverpool I used to go to Cream which is by far the best club I've ever been to apart from the ones in Ibiza. If I'm not clubbing at the weekend then you'll usually find me down the pub, most likley The Luzborough House in Romsey or now that I live in Southampton any number of bars like The Centro, The Lizard Lounge, The Old Fat Cat and after hours in The Talking Heads.

As for music, I'm mainly into the dance scene. I like house,garage,trip hop and most other genres of dance music. My favourite groups are Massive Attack and Poritshead. My favourite DJ is Paul Oakenfold. I try to see him playing whenever I can. I'm not exclusivly into to dance music though I really like Radiohead too.

That's all there is to know for now. Except to say I'm 27 and have a younger brother called Iain who is working in London for the football website Football 365 at the moment so I don't see much of him these days but if you want to take a look at him check out my gallery.

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