The shades of Autumn in bright color,
Are shining and brilliant this year;
God has given us a beautiful gift,
So glorious it evokes a tear.

Autumns like the one we are seeing,
Don't come around here it seems;
But in this year, God has blessed us,
With colors from all our dreams.

There are greens, gold, yellows and reds,
Oranges are brilliant, too;
God painted a gorgeous landscape,
For me and for you.


Even the leaves on my lilies,
Are not their usual brown;
They have turned bright yellow,
As they reach the ground.

The shades of Autumn are something to see,
God has His paintbrush in hand;
He has shown His mastery again,
As He painted our land.

Thank You, Lord, for being so kind,
And sharing this beauty with us;
You've shown Your glorious power,
Without even making a fuss.

©Sandra S. Oidtman - 2013







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