The candles glow with warm soft light,
The nativity is very real tonight;
Wrapped gifts are the children's surprise,
Excitement will fill all their eyes.

It's quiet now and peaceful, too,
This is Christmas through and through;
This is Christmas, my time for me,
As I set and gaze upon the tree.

On this night, peace and love abound,
Soft sweet carols are the only sound;
My heart overflows for this night's cause,
And I smile thinking of ole Santa Claus.

I celebrate the birth of our Lord,
I glance to see the wreath on the door;
I smile for tonight I know why I'm here,
To share peace and joy and tidings of cheer.

~Sandra Oidtman ~


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Christmas Eve ..........everyone else has gone to bed. Everything is ready for the next day. I then sit and listen to Christmas carols and gaze at the tree I worked to get just the way I wanted. This is the time I set aside for me.......the time I contemplate the real meaning of Christmas and why it brings me so much joy. Tomorrow I will spend making my family happy but, for right now, it is my Christmas gift. I can enjoy the decorations and think about their meaning and from where traditions stem. This is the time I can say to you:

May peace, joy, health, forgiveness and love find you during the Christmas season and all year through.