I may not be rich in the eyes of the world,
I may not have a big, fancy car;
My house is not the biggest in town,
But, my Lord, Jesus has taken me far.

Happiness is found in contentment,
When one quits wanting more;
Joy will fill your soul within,
As God calls and you open the door.

Let Jesus into your life,
Let Him set the pace;
Then worries of this world,
Will quickly lose their place.

Happiness can only be found,
When to God we give our lives;
When we take time to know our God,
Quit buzzing around like bees in hives.

Happiness and joy fill my life,
I'm thankful for God's gifts;
And if the day is hard to bear,
Jesus always gives me a lift.

Don't look to the world to find your joy,
Only Jesus can fill the void;
When you accept the gift He offers,
You'll realize the world is only toil.

iconJesus saves and He forgives,
He fills our lives with grace;
So now my happiness is fulfilled,
No matter the time or place.

©Sandra S. Oidtman - 2014
