The storms of spring have come,
Warmer temperatures are in the day;
Trees are starting to bud,
New life is on the way.

As spring brings nature's new life,
Jesus gives us new life, too;
If we are reborn,
The old life is gone and our life is new.

Spring is a time to meditate,
Have we accepted our Savior?
He should be Lord of our lives,
He should direct our behavior.

Our Savior arose on Easter,
So new life could truly be ours;
We only need to believe and confess,
As we see spring bring forth flowers.

A new life can belong to all,
If acceptance and forgiveness is sought;
Invite Jesus to live in your heart,
Your redemption has already been bought.

I guarantee you'll have new life,
As you learn to follow His way;
Yes, you'll stumble and fall,
But He will be with you all the way.

©Sandra S. Oidtman - 2014

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