

Pat Perkins

Pat played music that soothed the soul,
She served the Lord with cheer;
She loved her Savior day after day,
She followed Him year after year.

Pat knew about the judicial system,
And helped those who had lost hope;
She gave them the knowedge and the tools,
So, with their problems they could cope.

Pat loved her family with all her heart,
She lived to be of service to them;
Two daughters shared in her love,
Her love for five grandchildren never dimmed.

A stickler for time was not her thing,
Once I saw her in class on time;
But it didn't matter, we still loved her,
It's a good thing being late isn't a crime.

Pat was always willing to pitch in,
She would forever do her part;
Now she is in the arms of her best Friend,
But she will never leave our hearts.


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