

I am so ready for spring,
I want to hear my birds sing;
I want the cold to go away,
And let the sun warm each day.

I want the flowers to share their blooms,
And chase away all the gloom;
I want the trees to dress in green,
Think of it -- a beautiful scene.

I want to walk in the park,
And spot a singing meadowlark;
I hunger for that barbecue
To share with family, friends, too.

I'd like to see this winter end,
So my flowers I can tend;
I'd like to get out and enjoy the day,
But my opinion has no sway.

We still have February to get through,
It could bring more snow, ice, too;
When March gets here we can hope,
Spring is close, so no more mope.

I'll get through the days one by one,
I might even like some and have fun;
Bright colors will come with the spring,
Then you will hear my laughter ring.

©Sandra S. Oidtman - 2011


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