The songs of my heart
Are filled with joys;
They sing of my Savior,
They make lots of noise.

Each day is filled with triumphs,
And sometimes heartache, too;
So I listen to the songs,
For they cheer and they soothe.

There is a melody so soft,
It makes me close my eyes;
I can picture Jesus there,
Standing close by my side.

The songs of my heart,
Are often filled with cheer;
But the hurt and pains of life
Will sometimes bring me tears.

Then the music softly soothes,
As Jesus gives me peace;
And the songs of my heart
Help my tears to cease.

Listen to the songs of your heart,
For Jesus puts them there;
No matter where you are,
He can soothe and repair.

© Sandra S. Oidtman - 2013


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