thanksgiving picture

Happy Thanksgiving



This year has been filled
With great pain and fear;
But You've held me, Lord,
As I shed each tear.

I'm thankful, Lord,
For it's helped me grow;
And my broken spirit,
I'm sure You know.

Thank you, Lord,
For beautiful Fall trees;
And all the smiles
I continue to see.

I'll count all my blessings,
On this Thanksgiving Day;
And that will heal,
That will show the way.

As this long year
Comes to an end;
The needs of my soul,
I know You will tend

It's hard to be thankful,
When so much has gone wrong;
When the days are hard,
And the nights are long.

But I know with my heart,
Your love for me is true;
So today I'll give thanks,
For small joys that come through.

©Sandra S. Oidtman


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