This is Bobbin. First of all, Bobbin just wants to say that when this site first started a few people had emailed him telling him how great it was. Nobody has done so since. We give our email on the home page for a reason. We want to hear 'bout what you think of this site. This page on our site is basically a reminder to email us.

If you don't have a question directly for Bazar or Muhammed, email Bobbin. Suggestions, comments, etc. go to Bobbin.

Email Bazar if you have a question about his cheat code page, a product on the business page, or the new Federation page.

Email Muhammed if you have a pokemon question, war question, or asking what it's like being in the marines.

Ok, I decided that this page should have more than just telling you to email us. I will also include how you can help us with this site.

Well, you can always advertise for it. That would be a big help. But if you don't know how or don't want to, here are some other options.

This button is only for those of you who have a website. It helps advertise for your site. It is basically a banner exchange. Not any ordinary banner exchange. It is the best banner exchange. Just clicking on this button will get our banner shown 2.5 times, and if you join we get an additional 10% of your credits.

The banner BELOW is for those of you that already have or want but don't have a website. We aren't a member of it because it isn't free. Actually, the real reason is that with the service that is advertised by the button ABOVE we can win an account free. It gives you 500 megabytes of webspace. That means you get 100 times as much space as we have with Angelfire. Plus you get your own domain name. Where as our address is "" with this our address would be "" or something. This would mean many more visitors. If you click on it and join, we get $50.