Pokemon Hybrids

This page is for my poke-hybrids, that you can make in Pokemon Gold and Silver versions. Updated weekly.THIS POKéMON PAGE'S UPDATES WILL BE POSTPONED UNTIL THE RELEASE OF GOLD/SILVER IN THE U.S. SORRY FOR ANY INCONVINIANCE

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Here are some pokemon fuzed together.

If you want these pics, just email muhammed (BELOW)and saying u want to use them and that's all, you're free to use them.

This is Charbok This is Crysalis This is Pikaflare

This is Pikasea This is Pikabud This is Butterdude

This is Jigglyfairy This is Drowzitung This is Zuirtle

This is Psyfetched This is Venostoise This is Starlite

This is Porygong This is Voltron This is Wheezingbell

This is Pinabra This is Wigglychu This is Achu

This is Kaiffchu this is Raizumew This is Bulbamew

This is Voltormew This is Voltabra This is Voltcharbok

This is Abudachu This is Starbud This is Zucharbok

This is Bulbavee This is Charvee This is Pibulbacharvee

This is Picharowstoise This is Psyrow This is Leafeon

This is Pikuna This is Pikared This is Koffnemite

This is Pidchu This is Weedvee This is Vulporeon

This is Vuirtle This is Squirmew This is Nidoflare

This is Mankysaur This is Tauroskhan This is Artidactlnine

This is Buttervee This is Weederpie This is Tentaflare

This is Venamew This is Pikamew This is Gyaramew

This is Squirasaur This is Watermelon This is Odpuff

This is Mewvee This is Wigglyfable This is Vilezu

This is Beeglem This is Blastix This is Chanskan

This is Charbenat This is Venuscythe This is Psypuff

This is Ponypuff This is Pikuno This is Pikachan

This is Bulbanite This is Pikazard This is Charshrew

This is Geoape This is Charbulble This is Charchu

This is Geochu This is Kabuscythe This is Etini

This is Electramew This is Lapramew This is Growlata

This is diglettchu And this is Raimew

ROBOTIC POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robomew Robosquirt

If you have any requests for poke-hybrids for me to make, or have comments on this page please email Muhammed.