FEBRUARY 25, 2000.
From the Arthur Brewster
Center, Du Quoin, Illinois.
- The show begins with
PWL President GENE WEST and THE TRAIN out in the ring to
the cheers of the crowd. Train has kind words towards his
WRESTLERAMA 14 opponent, but changes his tune when said
opponent, World heavyweight champion THE TERROR, appears
in the entranceway to verbally assault the PWL Legend. As
Terror enters the ring, the exchange of ideas continues.
As West looks on, the talk becomes louder and more
agitated, when the disco version of Also Sprach
Zarathustra is piped through the speakers, and North
American champion COOLEROY makes his presence known.
Cooleroy speaks of how he's been in the PWL through all
of its ups and downs. "If anyone deserves to be
called a PWL Legend, it's me," he tells Train.
"If there is one true heavyweight champion in the
PWL, it's me, too," he says, turning his direction
toward Terror. Just when things couldn't get any more
hectic, the theme from Dolemite is heard, and
sure enough, here comes HUMAN TORNADO. Thanks to an
oversight by The PWL Suits, Tornado has been granted
shots at both heavyweight titles this evening. While
rhyming, Tornado makes threatening comments concerning
Cooleroy, Train, and Terror, and that at the end of the
night, he will be the only PWL Legend, and the only PWL
heavyweight champion.
- In the opening contest
of the night, DR. DEMENTIA pinned BOOMPAW in 2:29.
- The contest between
BEN TRAYMOR and POTATO SALAD JIMMY ended in a no-decision
in 2:03 when GRIMACE stormed the ring and attacked both
wrestlers. He grabbed the house microphone, made several
comments regarding announcer GUY SMILEY's alleged
lifestyle choices, called KERMIT THE FROG a "putrid,
green retard who never made it big in commercial
television," and demanded some French fries with the
blood of MAYOR McCHEESE "for dipping purposes,"
before being hauled off by PWL Security.
- Backstage, Terror
complained to DARK ANGEL about the lack of space in the
portable refrigerator that the PWL gave him for his
birthday. Also, FAT ALBERT prepares for his match with
THE PILLARS OF PAIN by drinking a bottle of ketchup, M.
KLEATS and FOOT beat up SNAP and CRACKLE and take their
Rice Krispies away, and SKELETOR and ORKO play Pac-Man on
an Atari 2600 they bought at MRS. BUTTERWORTH's garage
- In Match the Third,
Midgets' World champion CAP'N CRUNCH completes the
trifecta, the triple crown, the triangle, and so on by
pinning POP in 4:12 to remain the champion. Snap and
Crackle were not at ringside to help their mate, they
being in the back still feeling the effects of the Kleats-Foot
beatdown. Crunch celebrated his much-expected win by
lighting a box of old Fruity Marshmallow Krispies on fire
and throwing it at Pop. Pop escaped injury, but sadly,
his wacky hat was hurt badly and was humanely destroyed
by PWL Firearms Personnel.
- The next bout saw
World cruiserweight champion STARSHINE HIPPIE pin BILL (formerly
of the Fat Albert Gang) in 3:44. Starshine was in control
the entire way, and did not have to use his trademark
finishing move for the victory. After this match, MONDO
MBAMBA made his way to ringside and escorted Bill to the
back, much as he did with Rudy last week.
- Backstage, THE PILLARS
OF PAIN took turns playing Video Pinball on the Atari, as
Skeletor consoled a crying Orko, who sobbed that the big
boys were being mean to him again. Also, Cap'n Crunch
took a leak on a box of Rice Krispies while shouting,
"Why ain't you talking now, you filthy bastards?"
- In the North American
tag title match, champions RUFUS VAN PELT and BILLY JO
JIVE took charge and remained the champions with pinfall
victory over "Road Pigg" FRANK JAMES and FILTH
E. PIGG. The Piggies were in control of the match when
they were distracted by a fight between "Sweet"
SUSIE SUNSET and MISS PIGGY, as anyone would be when a
woman and a pig get into a scuffle. Anyhow, RVP and BJJ
seized the opportunity and administered a beating of epic
proportions on the challengers, and RVP secured the pin
of Road Pigg at precisely the 9:47 mark.
- In what was definitely
Match of the Evening, North American heavyweight champion
COOLEROY wrestled HUMAN TORNADO to a 30-minute draw. Both
grapplers went all-out, yet did not resort to the outside
chicanery which has become almost standard in Tornado's
recent matches. The usually jaded/bored/sickened/drunk
PWL crowd were moved to raucous applause. There were, in
fact, so many positive reciews about this match that we
couldn't possibly list them on a puny report like this,
so we'll just move on.
- In more goofy
backstage antics, GOLEM got mad because Cap'n Crunch
accidentally tripped over the Atari and disconnected it,
right as Golem was going to beat QUARTZ in a game of Home
Run. Additionally, Mondo Mbamba was overwhelmed by panic
for not coming up with Bill's new gimmick yet, and took
his frustrations out by dumping a can of RC Cola over one
of Miss Piggy's wigs.
- In the Two-on-One-but-Not-Really-a-Handicap-Match,
FAT ALBERT defeated both PILLARS OF PAIN, as the two were
still in a bad mood over their video game being ruined at
the hands of a drunken, disgusting little midget who
thinks he's great because he's been champion for a long
time but the only reason The Terror keeps him around is
strictly for laughs. Back to the actual match
participants, much of Fat Albert's offense consisted of
sitting on the POP, and backing into them at the right
time. It was enough, though, as Albert was able to pin
Quartz in 10:29 to put the bout in the books.
- Though they are not
officially World tag team champions, THE SEXECUTIONERS
can make a claim to something of that effect. Their no-DQ
contest with reiging champions NC-17 ended with a double-pin.
DIRK MERCURY pinned DON JEREMY at 25:55, exactly the same
time BUCK NAKED pinned TRIPLE X. Being wishy-washy types
and muttering something about the match being "essentially
a draw," The PWL Suits announced that because of
some rule they most likely made up because it'll make for
great re-matches in the future, NC-17 are still your
World tag team champions. Oh, the match was pretty good,
what with the no-DQ rule, paving the way for lots of
blood and what-have-you.
- At long last (at least
in the eyes of the recapper), it was time for The Main
Event. World heavyweight champion THE TERROR defended
against HUMAN TORNADO, who had been worn down earlier in
the evening in the match with Cooleroy. Tornaod made a
fight of it, though, pulling out some impressive aerial
moves nobody thought he could perform, and yes, indeedy,
there were two-counts aplenty. That much-needed three-count,
however, was grabbed away by The Terror, who got a little
help from DARK ANGEL, who ran the standard interference
outside the ring, as well as the Terror Spike, which is a
legal move performed inside the ring, don't you know.
Terror retained the World champeenship strap in 16:45.
The show concluded with some nifty hi-jinks involving
Terror, Train, Human Tornado, Miss Piggy's wigs, Cap'n
Crunch hat, a mop, and a container of Right Guard.