MARCH 20, 2000.
in 2:27.
- THE FATSOS defeated
GUS STANKO and THOON by pinfall in 3:09.
- DR. DEMENTIA pinned
HORNS in 3:12.
Interview: The Terror
threatened to sic Cap'n Crunch on Kermit the Frog, announced that
he would defeat Train at WrestleRama, beat up some local talent
standing nearby, and downed four cans of 7-Up. He was then
informed that tonight, he and the Pillars of Pain would face
Train and The New Order in a six-man tag match. Terror laughed
and said the only match that counts will be at WrestleRama, when
he stands victorious and all his fans will join him in the
celebration, and said a hearty hello to all three of them.
Match Four: Women's World
champion DARK ANGEL and Midgets' World champion CAP'N CRUNCH vs.
THUMBELINA and ORKO (w/ Aunt Rhody and Skeletor) in a mixed tag
- It was not a pleasant
night for the king of the midgets, as Cap'n received a
sound beating at the hands of not only his opponents, but
their friends at ringside, several large women in the
third row, whom he apparently offended at a bar last week,
referee Burt Cooper, and Dark Angel herself. Angel
thought that the only way she could teach her partner
some lessons was to beat him up herself. In the end,
Thumbelina scored the win, pinning the Cap'n in 8:44
after Crunch took some vicious taunting by some ugly
children at ringside.
Match Five (World
cruiserweight championship match): STARSHINE HIPPIE (champion) vs.
TANKA SATCHMO (challenger, w/ Mondo Mbamba).
- The champeen faced the
tagmate of his WR14 opponent, Foot, in the likes of Long
Sweet Lips member Satchmo. Foot and Mondo claimed this
was an ideal opportunity to wear down the champion, but
if Satchmo won, it was clearly an attempt by the Suits to
destroy LSL. Fortunately for Foot, not only was Starshine
tested greatly in the match, he was able to secure the
win with his dreaded SHSHoTP, causing Satchmo to submit
at the 13:22 point.
Match Six: BIG SID SMITH (w/
Mr. McMaster) vs. SKELETOR (w/ Orko).
- Smith continued his
steamrolling of PWL opposition by blindsiding Skeletor as
the opening bell sounded. Skeletor tried valiantly, but
could not stage a comeback against the "Neighborhood
Bully," and BSS notched another win in whatever it
is he notches, with the now-feared Bully Spike, followed
by the pin at 8:11. After the match, Smith further
solidified his status as one of those evil types by
slapping the Bully Spike on poor Orko as well.
Interview: The Train,
General Zod, and Non loudly promised victory in the six-man,
speaking mostly in third person.
Match Seven (North American
tag team championship match): RUFUS VAN PELT and BILLY JO JIVE (champions,
w/ "Sweet" Susie Sunset) vs. BIG HEAD GUY and FAT DUDE
(challengers, w/ Fu).
- A relatively easy time
for the champions, as RVP and BJJ manhadled their
opponents, and Susie punched out Fu on the ringside floor
late in the match. The champs retain the straps as RVP
pinned Fat Dude in 6:10. Following the match, the
champions' in-ring celebration was interrupted by another
appearance by The Electric Mayhem. Rather than one team
chase another to the back, the two sides brawled to the
back in the standard gradually-work-your-way-to-the-back
Match Eight (World tag team
championship match): NC-17 (DIRK MERCURY and TRIPLE X, champions)
vs. THE THUNDEFEET (challengers).
- In what may have been
The Thunderfeet's last appearance in the PWL, the afore-mentioned
challengers put up a strong showing, yet came up a touch
short against the World champions. Mercury hit TF2 with
the Bread Shot and got the W in 12:14.
Interview: Fat Albert was
incoherently hyping his appearance on an unidentified television
program when he was attacked by Big Sid Smith. Smith bloodied Fat
Albert was breaking several (empty) liquor bottles that Fat
Albert had by his side.
Match Nine (North American
championship match): COOLEROY (champion) vs. FOOT (w/ Mondo
- If Tanka Satchmo did
Foot a favor earlier, Cooleroy performed about 27 favors
for Starshine Hippie in this contest. Cooleroy tossed his
becruiserweighted challenger all around the ring without
mercy. Cooleroy, in fact, seemed to be enjoying himself
immensely as he made a mockery of the ex-Rudy. Cooleory
got the win via an easy pinfall at 5:05.
Match Ten, Your Main Event
of the Evening: THE TERROR (World heavyweight champion) and THE
PILLARS OF PAIN (GOLEM and QUARTZ) (w/ Dark Angel and a bandaged
Cap'n Crunch) vs. THE TRAIN and THE NEW ORDER (GENERAL ZOD and
NON) (w/ Ursa).
- For some unexplained
reason, most likely piss-poor booking, Terror and Train
did not mix it up much in this match. Rather, the bulk of
the action focused on POP and TNO, as well as the women
beating up each other, and Cap'n Crunch being roughed up
by ring announcer Guy Smiley. As has been the case
recently, though, the Train side continued its domination
of Terror's forces, as Non scored the pinfall over Golem
following a triple diving headbutt on Golem from Zod, Non,
and Train. Time of the match was 16:19. Terror took his
frustrations out on Cap'n crunch, blaming him for the
idiocy of the PWL, its fans, and the Suits.