First Match: CAP'N CRUNCH pinned ORKO in 5:41 to retain the Midgets' World championship.
Second Match: MRS. BUTTERWORTH pinned ERMA ELSEY in 5:19 to retain the Women's World championship.
Third Match: STARSHINE HIPPIE pinned SKELETOR in 6:22.
Fourth Match: IGGY and SIGGI SHROYER defeated THE SEXECUTIONERS and NC-17 in a Three-Team Match in 7:44 when Iggy pinned Dirk Mercury.
Fifth Match: SETH and HUMAN TORNADO wrestled THE WHO-NEE-2 MEN to a double-disqualification in 8:11.
Sixth Matxh: SUPER ELASTIC pinned FILTH E. PIGG in 11:49 to retain the World cruiserweight championship.
Seventh Match: RUFUS VAN PELT and BILLY JO JIVE defeated AA by countout in 7:23 to retain the North American tag team championship. Both of AA were too drunk to wrestle and fell out of the ring, passing out.
Eighth Match: THE PILLARS OF PAIN defeated LONG SWEET LIPS in 9:09 to retain the World tag team championship, as Golem pinned Tanka Satchmo.
Ninth Match: FAT ALBERT pinned GRIMACE in 6:45.
Tenth Match: GENERAL ZOD defeated NON by countout in 10:11 when Non walked away, refusing to wrestle any longer.
Eleventh Match: SCHOOHOUSE ROCKY pinned BIG SID SMITH in 8:18 to retain the North American heavyweight championship.
Your Main Event: THE TERROR pinned M. KLEATS in 13:19 to retain the World heavyweight championship.