compleat results from
night, January 12th, 2009.
Opening bout: MIGHTY QUINN pinned MANFRED MANSON in 7:21.
Second match: BRUTUS MAXIMUS pinned BIG SID SMITH in 10:12.
Third match: BIG JIM SLADE pinned TUBB (with Scunner Campbell) in 6:49.
Fourth match: LONG SWEET LIPS (TANKA SATCHMO & RUSSELL BRUTE) defeated MUSCLES & DUSTIN (with Scunner Campbell) in 9:12 when Satchmo pinned Dustin.
Fifth match, for the Ladies' World's tag team championship: TRULY TAG TEAM (REALLY ROSIE & ACTUALLY ALICE) defeated THE SIBERIAN HUSKIES in 7:55 to retain their championship. Really Rosie pinned Siberian Husky 2 for the victory.
Sixth match: DUNLAP BROADSIDE (with Scunner Campbell) defeated SWAMI YOGANTI by submission in 7:10.
Seventh match: WHOLE LOTTA MAN pinned OG ROTTEN in 8:21.
Eighth match: THE SCUFFLIN' HILLBILLIES (MOONSHINE HILLBILLY & HAMBONE) defeated BINGO WILKIN & TOUGH TEDDY in 5:19 when Hambone pinned Bingo.
Ninth match: BILLY RAY VALENTINE defeated THE GRAND KABUKI (with Scunner Campbell) by disqualification in 8:09 thanks to interference from Scunner's other charge, Kendo Nagasaki. In the interview following the match, Scunner noted his approval of Kendo, Kabuki, and Dunlap Broadside, as well as his displeasure of his other three men, Tubb, Muscles, and Dustin. Scunner promised he would toughen up the latter three soon enough.
Bigtime Main Event: COOLEROY pinned BROWN HORNET in 13:42.
© 2009 Big Stewie Entertainments Corporation.