PWL News and Information for July 17, 1999.

Yes, the big IN YOUR HEAD supershow is just two weeks away, but the PWL Suits decided we just had to have a big card sometime before then.  Therefore, get ready for a big night of rasslin' action this Tuesday, July 20.  In a departure from our usual St. Louis-based events, this card will be live at 7:30 pm, from the Interstate 70 rest stop outside Boonville, Missouri.  Here is the lineup for Tuesday evening: As you noticed, Fu, Big Head Guy, and Fat Dude have now been officially signed.  There is another tag team that has been signed by the PWL, but at their request, we will not reveal who they are until their grand appearance at IYH on July 31.  Let us just say that it seems that "order" will soon be restored.

That's it for today's newsbits.  Thanks, as always, for stopping by at PWL ONLINE.