PWL News and Information - November 13, 1999.
Here is all the news you need for Saturday the 13th...
The World tag team champioship match between HAARLEM HEAT and challengers
JOE THE GIANT and THE TERROR has an added twist. In accordance with
Terror's wishes on the PWL Message Board, this contest will be held under
Tornado rules, meaning all four competitors will be brawling at the same
time. No tags needed here. When informed, the champions seemed
unfazed. "That silent creep Joe and his pathetic Charles Manson-wannabe
friend can't do crap to make us drop the straps," Heat member LARRY FRANKLIN
told us. Added Heat-mate BRIAN TROOST, "Since when do the PWL Suits
listen to anything Terror says and wants? I thought he was the top
damn heel in the comapny. That jackass will see that the nobody's
behind him in the PWL: the Suits, the fans, the wrestlers, probably not
even that ancient cripple piece of garbage he calls a teacher. Joe,
Terror, especially you Terror, get ready to have your ass ripped off and
shoved down your throat." Strong, bewildering words from the World
MONDO MBAMBA has told us that the gimmick reworking for the former FAT
ALBERT GANG is moving along smoothly, and that some, if not all, of the
repackaged grapplers will be ready in time for guest spots at THUNDERCAT
There is a rumor going around the offices that one of the tag teams in
the PWL is contemplating a split-up. If we get any more word on the
situation, we'll let you know, most likely after sitting on it fow a few
days or weeks.
Because the fans always love it, we're trying to get, yes, CELEBRITY GUESTS
for the big TMS show!!! Calm down, we know you're excited.
No big names confirmed, but we will definitely let you know when we have
'em signed up for the big event. Either that, or we'll just forget
the whole deal and never mention it again.
Look for SKELETOR to be getting a major push in the comng weeks.
The future remains cloudy for the likes of ORKO, HE-MAN, and MAN-AT-ARMS.
Strong, strong rumors going around some of the PWL former major players
will be showing up at TMS. It could very well happen.
That's all the news we can think of right now. Thanks a heap for
dropping by PWL Online.