Joe Daniels grew up listening to his dad's Santana and Jimi Hendrix albums. He attended Zion-Benton Township High School. There he met Scott Lucas and formed a band. After high school, Joe went to the University of Chicago, where he was on the gymnastics team. While he attended school he still played drums for Local H which went through line up changes as bandmates left. Finally it got down to Scott and him. Joe manned the kit for Local H for their first 3 albums. Unfortunatly Joe spontainiously combusted and exploded into a pile of green goo a top the drum riser at a show in 1999. No, actually Joe got burnt out on the touring and quit the band in the fall of 99 to persue other intrests. After leaving the H Joe decided to try his hand in the real estate business and manages a rap group in Chicago, but couldn't stay away from drumming forever. Joe now plays drums in the band Stendec. Stendec includes members of White Zombie and Candlebox, and they fucking rock. Go check em out.