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~YO YO~ One of the members of the geezer club. A threesome that we have form to keep us old guys happy and to flirt with the young ladies. Not bad for an Aussie...*l*...see ya old friend...

~Heater~ Our third member of the geezer club. Nice sort of guy who likes to play with his *kiddies*...our law protection so to speak. Hope to see him when the winter Olympics take place in 2002.

~Cutter~ A man of my own heart...loves the good stuff...and he knows what I mean. Glad to see you back my friend, always well stocked up with the G for us.

~Cyber Boss~ Fairly new friend from the bar, seems to like to have a lot of fun with everyone.

~Cyber Dragon~ Another new friend, been there to help out with some of the codings we use in the chat.

~Eagle~ Another new friend who came into our bar, seems to like to joke around with the best of us....

~Jumper~ Someone I just met ot too long ago, always there with a smile on his face, keeping us all in good mood.

~MAC~ Here's a gent that knows how to have fun, known sometimes as the man in action in our little group.

~Snake~ He's one guy I would love to be a tag team member with, considering some of the rude people we have come in our chat. As a pro wrestler, he's one I wouldn't mess with, even though we had our little tiffs in the past, but we worked them out.

~Starman~ Another of my Aussie friends, who keeps me inform of the teams in Australian Football League, as I do with the NFL. Great guy to know.

~Stardog~ Haven't talk with him much, but the little I have, he also likes to have fun.

~Warlock~ Here's a mystery guy, someone though that will stand behind you. Doesn't take much guff from anyone, or let others give any to his friends>

~Weasel~ A friend I made just a couple months ago, brother to Jule, but is one of our flirts in the room. Willing to help you with anything that you need.

A little present for the guys...*l*