Sailor Neptune
Japanese Name: Kaiou Michiru
Name Meaning: Full, King of the Ocean
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Favorite Color: Marine Blue
Hobby: Collecting Cosmetics
Least Favorite Food: Kikurage Mushrooms
Has Trouble With: Sea Cucumbers, Sea Slugs
Strong Point: Playing Violins, Painting
Dream: To Be A Professional Violinist
Sailor Moon S
Sailor Moon Super S
Sailor Stars
Michelle has only recently appeared in the US episodes, along with Amara, Sailor Uranus. They appear very much in love, although in the US anime, they've cut the scenes out for viewing purposes. Michelle is very kind and caring and is very much amused by the middle school antics of the other girls even though she is only slightly older than them.
As Sailor Neptune, she possesses the Second Tailsman, the Deep Aqua Mirror. Her powers exceed those of the Inner Senshi, and her water-based attacks are far more damaging than Sailor Mercury's. Sailor Neptune is always dedicated to whatever she is doing, and always calm, never jumping to conclusions. She always tries her best to protect everyone.