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Sailor Saturn

    N/A Name: Hotaru Tomoe
    Japanese Name: Tomoe Hotaru
    Name Meaning: Glowing, of Earth
    Blood Type: AB
    Birthday: January 6
    Astrological Sign: Capricorn
    Favorite Color: Purple
    Hobby: Reading, Collecting Lamps
    Favorite Subject: World History
    Least Favorite Subject: Phys. Ed.
    Favorite Food: Japanese Noodles
    Least Favorite Food: Milk
    Castle: Titan
    Favorite Gem Stone: Flourite
    Has Trouble With: Marathons
    Strong Point: Healing Injuries
    Dream: To Be A Doctor
    Height (child): 3'9"


Sailor Moon SuperS

    Silence Glaive Surprise

Sailor Moon Stars

    Silence Wall

Hotaru is the youngest senshi, with the exception of Rini. She is also the only one to keep her original name in the American version. Hotaru is a very pale, isolated, and lonely child. Her father is the great Professor Tomoe, who also happens to be the Professor creating the Diamond Pods which contains the Heart Snatchers.

Sailor Saturn,(a.k.a Senshi of Destruction, Mistress 9) has the power to destroy the world along with Pharoah 90. The legend of Sailor Saturn is that she only awakens when something terrible happens or when some great unseen danger is coming. She is then to destroy the danger, which can sometimes mean destroying Earth.