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Also see our Whistler's Little Circle of Fifths PDF file.

Tin Whistle Keys and Modes Chart
CLICK HERE for a printable PDF file of this chart.
It will print on the top half of regular sheet of letter size paper.

It's simple to change the key of a tune by changing the whistle.
For example:
If you know a tune in Am on the D whistle, but need to play it
in Em - simply play it on an A whistle, using the same fingering.
Likewise, if you usually play a tune in G on a D whistle, you
can play that same tune, in the key of D on an A using the
same fingering, or in C on the G whistle, etc.

Keys and/or Modes playable on each whistle are read Left to Right.

You can reasonably play in 10 different keys or modes on any given whistle.
- Note - I said "reasonably", not necessarily 'easily'.
i.e.: On a D whistle, you can play in:
D Major (Ionian Mode - no half-holing required),
.............. (Mixolydian Mode - half-holing or cross-fingering for C natural),
G Major (Ionian Mode - half-holing or cross-fingering for C natural),
A Major (Ionian Mode - no half holing required), or
.............. (Mixolydian Mode - half-holing or cross-fingering for G sharp),
E Minor (Aeolian Mode - half-holing or cross-fingering for C Natural), or
.............. (Dorian Mode - no half-holing required),
A Minor (Dorian Mode - half-holing or cross-fingering for C Natural),
B Minor (Aeolian Mode - no half-holing required), or
.............. (Dorian Mode - half-holing or cross-fingering for G sharp)

Visit our favorite WHISTLE LINKS



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S.A. McUmber-House - Sassafrass Grove Studio
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Sass Leaf
This page last updated 07/28/2007