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PLEASE NOTE: All images displayed here
are original and copyrighted
by S.A.McUmber-House.
They may not be copied
or duplicated for any purposes
whatsoever without the express
written permission of the artist.

A couple of years ago, we were foster parents for two children. The experience certainly changed our lives, and hopefully theirs. I encourage everyone who has time, strength, and especially love to spare, to offer their home to children in need. You can give no better gift.

FOSTERING © 1997 S.A.McUmber-House - Sassafrass Grove Studio
based on the 'family panel' from the three dimentional work JOI DANS

Peace is a constant theme for me. I have used this 'DOVES' design in a broad series of cards, notes and posters. It is especially important to me because of its connection to my now departed friend Michael Gonda (1976-1996). In every use, I am telling him that I am still working for it, and that he is missed.

DOVES of PEACE © 1997 S.A.McUmber-House - Sassafrass Grove Studio

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