NOTE: All writings on this page are authored by S.A.McUmber-House. You are welcome to copy and share any of them, but you must include a reference to the author, and they must not be used for financial profit. Any other use or duplication without the express written permission of the author is prohibited by law.
It is in the seeking to know the unknown that we discover ourselves. Sometimes we are misled and we think we have found the answer when we have just found another aspect of the truth.
We can travel with others, but we must walk the path ourselves, for it is a journey inward as much as outward. We must find our own truth to find that of the universe.
In our search for the ultimate truths, we must not shut our eyes against the light of G_D that shines forth from others' eyes. Their vision does not threaten ours, but expands our view of the divine, for each of us sees a portion of the truth.
Yet do not confuse it with such shadows as sex or riches. It is worth far more than either, and neither can gain it. The poor may be rich in it, while the rich can never buy it. Give of it freely, without demand of repayment, and it shall come back to you a hundred-fold.
And, if you wish to know it in its purest form, seek its one true partner, for LOVE will never fully bloom without RESPECT.
This is a truth of life. Remember it & you shall prosper.
It is important to know the truth of our history, uncomfortable as it may be, so that those of us now shaping tomorrow's history can make it more palatable for our inheritors.
Our roots are linked eternally in this small ball of earth.
Our arms are our branches, Our hands are our leaves.
Our dreams are but the buds of the future,
Our deeds, the seeds on the winds of possibility.