A NOTE ABOUT BULLETIN BOARDS: Homeschoolers are a broad group of people - we span the gamut of views & focus from fundamentalist Christian to abject athiest...from rigid schedule keeper to totally hands-off unschooler & the miriad positions in between.... All boards listed here have valuable information & insights - I have gained from all of them, and I recognize that some of my friends from each end of the spectrum may find some content offensive. Remember - None of these boards are intended as forums for debating theism - all are for support of homeschooling. Please be tolerant and enter these discussions with love and an open heart, none of us need any more trouble than life is already giving us. We have so very much more in common as loving parents who want our children to get a good education than we have in differences. An open heart can do much to open a mind, and we have much to share with each other. Thanks, Sarah
Many Paths
Started by a Christian mom and a Pagan mom to build understanding between homeschoolers of all types.
Secular Homeschooling Help
This forum is primarily to share information about available secular materials and methods
Missouri Homeschoolers' Message Board
For Missouri-specific questions, support and discussion
Gentle Spirit - Homeschooling Conferences
Homeschooling and Unschooling topics
Vegesource Homeschool Main Board Menu
features several discussion boards, swap boards,
unit study, kids' board and much more
Homeschool BBs and more
NAHE - Native Americans for Home Education
A central meeting place, helping preserve the heritage and ways of the First Nations through homeschooling.
Catholic Homeschool Message Board
A forum for the discussion of Catholic homeschooling and related topics
Topic of the Month Board
One Homeschooling topic is chosen each month for discussion
Precocious and Prodigious
For those facing the challenge of a gifited child
Multiple Intelligences Discussion Board
At Home Learning Centers
Message Board
Minority Homeschoolers Message Board
at Darlene's World - a place to celebrate our differences of culture
and to share commonalities
Homeschoolers Networking Together
Message board
Independent-Study High-School Message Board
message forum for students, parents and anyone else interested inor enrolled in
high-school correspondence courses (e.g. American School, Keystone, etc.)
not officially affiliated with any high-school correspondence program
Kaleidoscapes Newbies Homeschooling FAQs
If you are new to HSing, you will find
many answers to your questions and concerns here
Homeschooling Discussion Board
at The Mining Company
Homeschooling Discussion Boards,
Unschooling Discussion Board and lots more
Unschooling Message Board
at FUN - Family Unschooling Network
Education Central
at Parent Soup - must register - free
Homeschooling Message Boards on the Web
you are bound to find one you really like
Utne Cafe
discussion forums of all description
Atheist Education & Homeschooling
A place for atheist parents who homeschool
to discuss their successes and ideas.
Also, a place for discussing issues which may affect
the quality of education in public schools for atheist children.
Learning Life's Secular Homeschooling Message Board
Alphabet Soup Message Board for Teachers and Parents
though not specifically for homeschoolers,
this board for teachers and parents of young children features
and accepts teaching suggestions, parental tips, questions, etc.
MSN scheduled HomeSchool chats
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S.A. McUmber-House - Sassafrass Grove Studio
Use or duplication without permission of the artist is prohibited by law.
Please don't pinch them.
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