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Dorling Kindersley Science Encyclopedia Work/Review Sheets


Read each question and circle the letter of the best answer.
NOTE: Some questions may have more than one "correct" answer - think carefully about what you have read, and choose the most complete one.

1.What is one of the most familiar elements of Group 2 of the Periodic Table?
A) Calcium (Ca). B) Strontium (Sr). C) Barium (Ba). D) A, B & C.

2.Calcium (Ca) is found in what?
A) Chalk. B) Milk. C) Bones. D) A, B & C.

3.Which of the elements in Group 2 is found in the semi-precious gem Beryl?
A) Beryllium. B) Magnesium. C) Barium. D) A, B & C.

4.The elements in Group 2 are similar to those in Group 1. How?
A) React with water to form alkaline solutions. B) They are silvery white. C) Similar chemistry. D) A, B & C.

5.How are the elements in Group 2 different from those in Group 1?
A) Occur widely in nature. B) Have 2 electrons in their outer shell. C) Less reactive. D) A, B & C.

6.What causes the vivid colors we see in fireworks displays?
A) Compounds of Alkaline Earth Metals. B) Magnesium C) Strontium and Barium. D) A, B & C.

7.Who discovered the radioactive element Radium?
A) Alexander Graham Bell. B) Marie Antoinette. C) Marie Curie D) A, B & C.

8.Strontium 90, a radioisotope of Strontium (Sr), can be very dangerous, but it can also be used to treat what serious medical condition?
A) Warts B) Depression C) Skin cancer. D) A, B & C.

9.How does the use of Barium (Ba) in medicine help doctors?
A) The patient drinks the barium. B) It blocks the X-rays C) The digestive system shows up. D) A, B & C.

10.10. How does Magnesium (Mg) help plants grow?
A) Helps capture energy from sunlight B) Part of Chlorophyll. C) The energy collected is used in photosynthesis. D) A, B & C.

11.Aluminum, Zinc and what element from Group 2 are used in alloys to make strong and lightweight bicycle frames?
A) Strontium. B) Barium. C) Magnesium. D) A, B & C.

12.What causes the chalky "icicles" at Pammukale Falls in Turkey?
A) Calcium Carbonate. B) Discarded Blackboard chalk. C) Bird deposits. D) A, B & C.

What more can you say about MATTER now?________________________________________________________________________________

Matter15 ©1999-2000 Sassafrass Grove Homeschool
NOTE: These work/review/related-activity sheets are for use with the DK Science Encyclopedia as a 12 part science study. The first portion of the initial section, "Matter" is presented here. More will be added as time permits. If you find errors or see need for additions, please contact us at the e-mail address provided at the bottom of this page.

This site and these worksheets are in no way associated with nor endorsed by Dorling Kindersley.
©1999 S.A.McUmber-House, Sassafrass Grove - all rights reserved

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