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Good Books on Homeschooling!

These books will give you great insights and encouragement.
(They are presented in no particular order)

Homeschooling: A Patchwork of Days
Homeschooling: Open House
both by Nancy Lande
REVIEW: Probably the second most common question I get, when talking about homeschooling (right in between "How do I get started?" and "What about socialization?", is "What is a typical day like?" In Nancy Lande's initial book, 'Homeschooling: A Patchwork of Days' we get a good glimpse in the window at thirty different homeschooling families' versions of that "typical day". She follows up on several of those families, and introduces some new ones in the second, 'Homeschooling: Open House'. Look for reassurance and inspiration on your journey through these books. You may also find yourself looking at your daily life with a new focus and noticing educational opportunities in places you hadn't considered before.

And the Skylark Sings with Me: Adventures in Homeschooling and Community-Based Education
by David H. Albert

The Unschooling Handbook: How to Use the Whole World As Your Child's Classroom
by Mary Griffith

The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
by Grace Llewellyn

Real Lives: Eleven Teenagers Who Don't Go to School
by Grace Llewellyn(Editor)

And What About College?: How Homeschooling Can Lead to Admissions to the Best Colleges & Universities
by Cafi Cohen, Patrick Farenga (Editor)

Learning All the Time
by John Holt

Homeschooling Handbook: From Preschool to High School: A Parent's Guide
by Mary Griffith, Lisa Cooper (Illustrator)

The Homeschooling Book of Answers: The 88 Most Important Questions Answered by Homeschooling's Most Respected Voices
by Linda Dobson(Editor)

Dumbing Us Down : The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
by John Taylor Gatto

For an extensive alphabetical listing that includes many other books on the subject, see Books About Homeschooling from my friend at Homeschooling - A Light at the End of the Tunnel

If I had to give one 'best piece of advice' to homeschoolers, it would be the same I would give any parent - "Read, read, read, and read some more - with, to, and about your children!"

Scroll & Choose:

Some of My Favorite Homeschool Support Links:

Decompression FAQs
How do you prepare to homeschool?
Lessons from Homeschooling
Published in The Freeman from the Foundation for Economic Education
Home-Based Education
Not "Does It Work?" but "Why Does It Work So Well?"
Industrial-Age Schools Fail Information-Age Kids
by John Taylor Gatto
The World Is A Classroom
Research that supports homescooling as a viable education
Homeschooling Is For All Kinds Of Folks!
It Works: Legal, Easy, Inexpensive, Family Friendly, and FUN!
Homeschooling at Suite 101
Articles, Links and Discussions to help us on this homeschooling adventure
Clonlara Resources
School is Dead, Learn in Freedom
Need some support for your decision? Much, lots, more, and then some!
The Internet Hits Home
Stephanie La Croix's article on how "Homeschooling Gets a Boost from the Internet"
Home Education Magazine
Home Taught
looks at several aspects of home education and
offers definitions of Homeschooling, Unschooling, and other approaches

The ABC's of Homeschooling
Article on homeschooling from the Knoxville, TN News-Sentinal
Home Schooling FAQs
from HUUH
Natural Life
articles, resources, contact names and more
Studying Home Educated Adults
by Wendy Priesnitz
Homeschooling, Teens & College
No need to fear college acceptance
a GREAT place for information and activities
Sites for National, State and Local Support!
US, UK, Canada & Australia
Internet source for home education
Jon's Homeschool Page!
Considered the definitive Home School resource page
Montessori for Moms!
preschool resource
Growth Without Schooling!
John Holt's Bookstore, writings, and so much more
including book sets for those thinking about HSing, HSing the lower grades, and HSing the upper grades

Global School Net!
Home Schooling Daily!
PBS Online !
Learning resources
Health School!
Send us an e-mail!