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Where in the World Are We, Anyway?

Get you ticket, grab your luggage, check the itinerary and let's get outta here!

Links to "there" from "here":

The Earth at Night WOW!! Great for getting a view of world population density and electrical waste, LOL!
FunBrain! Lots of fun interactive games to hone your skills!
We Travel in a Boat and a Car What a fun way to learn Geography!
Artist Quest Outline for a study of Geography and History through the lives of famous artists.
Ask Jeeves For Kids Easy, Fast, Safe place for kids to get answers on the net
Flag Images of Nations and USA States including all independent Nations, all 50 USA states, Australian states, Canadian provinces, Francophone flags and USA State Capitals and Information on Statehood
The Geography Project Construction Site Canadian Geography Resources for teachers and students
How Far Is It? finds the latitude and longitude of two places of your choice, and calculates the distance between them (as the crow flies)
Ask Eric Social Studies Lesson Plans
Lessons on How to Use a Compass Now you can put some of those maps to real use!
Redwood Games Geography info
First Nations Really interesting - find out about indigenous peoples from all over the earth
National Geographic ...'nuff said...
Fantastic Voyages wonderful stuff here!
Search BarnesandNoble.com for Geography
Search BarnesandNoble.com for kids geography

Around The World - Countries at YaHooligans
InfoNation up-to-date statistical data for the Member States of the UN
CIA World Factbook
Your Nation compare and rank countries on population growth, literacy, arable land, and more.
GeoGraphia information on people, history, wildlife, and points of interest for countries and regions around the world.
Canadian Provincial Flags to Color!
Jason Project
Exploratorium Magazine Where do Languages Come From?
Highlights For Children - Top Secret Adventures solve puzzels, decypher codes, find correct information from clues, identify the culprit and learn a lot! - very well set up package that contains maps, puzzels, passport, stickers, villian ID cards, tour guides, and loads of fun - a new one is due every 4-5 weeks...the first one was free, and their prices are usually quite reasonable. Target age= 8-12, but stretches beyond
Geography.com -Singapore A great place for geography students...with info, games, puzzles, chatroom, geography in the news, and much more!
Discover Africa Learn about Africa's geography
Brain Teasers See how much you know (or don't know) about the countries of Africa
Flags From Around The World
Tour of Egypt the virtual flavor of a trip into the ancient land
The Treasures of China an Internet-Based Treasure Hunt on China
Boomerang Box Explore the world
Yakko's World the lyrics from an Animaniac's song that list all the countries of the world to the tune of "The Mexican Hat Dance" and links to info on the countries!
E-Conflict World Encyclopedia with Anthems, Flags, Maps and Nations of the World
GlobaLearn Interact with Live expeditions worldwide via WWW

Discover America Through Postcards
Homeschooling on the Road Through 50 States The Grahams quit their jobs, bought a great big van and took their two children on the adventure of a lifetime, schooling all the way
Yakko's States and Capitals to the tune of "Turkey in the Straw" Ha, ha, haha!
the 50 US States
STATE the Question downloadable shareware game for the 50 states

Maps That Teach! Loads of maps, including online interactives, printables, downloadables, games, etc. and suggestions for their use.
Education Place Online Outline Maps - hemispherical, political, physical, historical, what-everical!
Mega Maps FREE downloadable Map program
Mapping the World by Heart
National Geographic Map Machine

Suggested Reading:
Children Just Like Me - A unique celebration of children around the world - by Barnabas and Anabel Kindersley - Kids

Keepers of the Earth - Native American Stories and Environmental Activities for Children - by Michael J Caduto and Joseph Bruchac - Kids

Pass The Bread! and Hair There and Everywhere - two of an eight part series called "A World of Difference" that explores how everyday objects and activities reflect one's culture - both by Karin Luisa Badt - Kids

Free to Be...You and Me from Marlo Thomas and others - Kids

The Circle of Life - Rituals from the Human Family Album - absolutely incredible photos and insights into the everyday and exceptional lives of many cultures - edited by David Cohen - Kids with Parent

Suggested Software:
Geography Wizard CD: Geo USA - State location, capitals, flowers, nicknames, largest cities, bodies of water - Geo Europe - country location, bodies of water, country capitals, languages spoken and monetary units - Geo Asia - country location, bodies of water, country capitals, languages spoken and monetary units - has practice/learn mode and test mode - by On Target Software - available from MediaMart very reasonably priced

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?: Solve mysteries, catch theives, travel the world, learn a lot! - comes with World Almanac reference book - from Broderbund

US Geography: States, Capitals, Abbreviations, U.S. History Time Line, Coloring book, Demo-mode for practice, Work sheet generation, Progress review. - from Dinosoft

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