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Pat Szostak
Name: Pat Szostak
Age: 15
Appearance: Tall and thin, with wavy brown hair
Apperral: Loose fitting jeans and a T-shirt with the kanji for tranquility printed on it.
Weapons: Yogin Martial Arts
Position: 5th Decon
Job: Leader of the effort to unravel the mysteries surrounding Shampoo through constant meditation. (currently working on the color of her hair)
Hobbies: Trying to find a steady source of anime, playing the guitar, meditation & contemplation, drinking lots of green tea, watching Marx Brothers movies and inflicting bad puns on unsuspecting people.
Email: Email me here!
Shamp's hair colour: n/a
Other factions: none
Misc: I was normal once, that is until I watched a harmless looking OAV called "Desperately Seeking Shampoo". Now I spend my time wandering through my home town, looking for a steady supply of anime and trying to convert people to the worship of the Chinese Goddess. I have learned that only by yielding does one truly overcome an obstacle thus, we cannot wage war on those unenlightened fools who believe Shampoo is not a goddess (unless it looks like fun).
--- Pat