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    The sect of the Chinese goddess

About the SCG:
The SCG started around March - April. It was created by Petes-kun back when he was known as Mighty Mighty Boss Petes, he made this faction to revive the devotion towards Shampoo. The current faction WoS (aka "Wuss"), wasn't doing well and when Petes tried to join he was rudely insulted. And so he created SCG (Sect of the Chinese Goddess), it started out as a little thing that no one cared about as that he was the only member. Then in May, one lister known as Owain "the ever living weapon" Lawson asked to join. Petes was amazed that someone actually wanted to join and he accepted. The two became notorious for their constant RPing (Role Playing) and annoyed many listers (see the list of enemies). Around the end of May another lister joined, Sam. With his membership and addition to the RPing the SCG became even more annoying to our enemies. It's rather funny since the founder is fanatically devoted to Shampoo yet his followers are pacifists.

So what does the SCG do?:
The SCG defends the name of Shampoo and makes sure that she doesn't interfere with the engagement (we believe that Ranma and Shamps don't mojo).

How do I join?:
Just follow this link---> SCG sign up page

Enemies of the SCG:
1.Aoi Ikazuchi
He's a generally nasty guy. His beefs with the SCG include the fact that we RP now and then and because we're a newbie faction. He often puts "Anti-SCG" in his posts.

2.U2R (Ukyou 2 Ranma)
Well he's not as bad as Aoi but he don't like the SCG one bit. Why? Because he's one of the last WoSers on the RanmaML. And as of now he's one of the two self elected leaders of the faction. he dislikes the SCG because we are pretty much replacing them and taking possible members. Though some SCG members won't join WoS due to their allegiance to the KTF, and WoS and KTF don't get along.

The Worshippers of Shampoo, they are mostly enemies of the SCG due to reasons stated above.

Natural enemies of any Shampoo faction, after all CASKET stands for... Well lets just say their purpose is to crush Shampoo at all costs.

Where does the SCG operate?:
The SCG mainly exists in the Ranma ML, but we are now taking members from anywhere. So if you only subscribe to the UY ML or aren't on any MLs then you can still join!

The Tower:
One of the main elements of RPing is a RP domain, a homestead for you and you RP companions. Petes created the Tower after the Compound was destroyed durring a war with Gate 7. The Tower resides in China, nearby a amazon village

Based on the Tower, the command center of downworld, in the series
"The Oddssey". This is the new command center of the SCG's actions.
Strangly Petes-kun said this place was recently built, but it looks
like it was abandoned for years, the concrete dirty and faded,
and vines running up the wall.
The outside appearance is best descibed as an old buisness building.
The sacred icon of the SCG, Shampoo-neko on the entrance is the give
away of its occupants.

Inside the image of a normal building is slighty given up.
With halls of red carpet, TVsets and bare walls, the place can look
rather dull when compaired to the Compound's hightech hallways.

Specific rooms:

---The Basement (basement, duh!):
Nothing interesting about this room.

---Board room (9th floor):
This is a large room with a long table, the Officers and Acolytes meet
here to make descicions and pass laws.

---Lobby (ground floor):
Nothing all to interesting with this room, a few TVsets and brochure stands.

---Rec' room (9th floor):
A near replica of the Comp's rec' room, big screen, pinball machines,
a oddly Sam's Twix bar machine showed up a few days later. All SCG members
relax here, plus this is where Petes and Erica watch fics and give them a
MSTing treatment.

---The Loft / Command Center (top floor):
At the top of the tower, inside the clock room, this is where Petes and the
SCG run things.
The name comes from the loft that takes up most of the room, up there Petes
sits on his command chair and make his orders.
Below the loft is Leona's super computer, Owain's communication station and
the machine that goes "bing!".

----Member's dorm (5th - 8th floors):
Obviously the living quarters of the members of the SCG, each room is
similar to the rooms back at the Comp'.

---The Lab (9th floor):
This is where Petes makes his clones and weapons. It's a very cluttered room with a wall of cloning tanks on one side and a large computer on another. It's also filled with all sorts of tools and worktables.

---The Shampoo Shrine:
Overlooking the Joketsukozu from a high cliff.
It has a large statue of Shampoo that can be well seen from the village,
Petes hopes that one day Shamps'll come home for a visit and see it.

---The Vault:
This is where Petes goes to write up his fanfics. It's believed that the vault actually leads to the warp, the place where Chaos reigns and where Petes came from.

---The Mako Generator:
This is where the compound gets it's energy source. It's also where Petes, Dre and Yashoko get their materia from.

Outside the Tower:

The Tower is a bit outside the village limits of the Joketsukozu,
separated off by a river that surrounds the Tower's area and the
The whole area is wooded and has no signs of civilization.

Check points:
The SCG's way of keeping unwanted visitors from entering the Tower.
As that the area is completely forrest, you have to walk down dirt
roads to reach each checkpoint.
There are 3 checkpoints, each one is designated with a gaurdian.

-1st, The bridge
The only bridge leading to the Tower's island.
It's a modest wood and steel bridge.
Gaurdian: Ian, 6th Decon

-2nd, The tunnel
A underground tunnel to the pathway to the 3rd checkpoint.
before you may enter, you have to show you passed the first checkpoint
to gain passage.
Gaurdian: none as of yet

-3rd, The Shampoo exchange
A large center where the SCG and Amazons trade items.
1st and 2nd checkpoint clearance required to pass.
Gaurdian: none as of yet

Checkpoint system:
The system goes around the clearance of other checkpoints.
At the village you can aquire a checkpoint wristband if you are worthy,
then as you gain clearance at each checkpoint, you gain a clearance talisman,
a small metal icon depicting each checkpoint that snaps onto your band.
When you have all three you can come and go from the Tower as you please.
All SCG members have a checkpoint band, plus allies of the SCG are given
The only people who may go through the checkpoints without clearance are
the Joketsukozu amazons and the Monitors.

How many memebrs are there?:
As of Sept, 2, 1998 - 7 members

Does the SCG have a ranking system?:
Yep. It goes like this:

High Priest (robe:Black, Blue and Purple)
 Acolyte (robe:Blue)
 Acolyte Diciple(robe: Purple, Blue scarf)
    |    *Iquisitor (no identfying robes or colours)*
    |    *Enforcer (robes/armbands:Black)*
  Decon (robe:Purple)
-High Priest
Commands are second to the Founder
Allowed to command all other levels
Current: Petes-kun

Commands are second to High Priest
Allowed to command ADs, decons and Enforcers.
Current: Erica Kanri

-Acolyte Diciple
A Decon being considered for the rank of Acolyte.
Allowed to command Decons.

Common starting point of a new SCGer.
Has no command unless given in certain cases
(ie. Will commanding the Comp' during the RPwar)
Current: Sam, SC_L, Will, Pat, Ian

Dead ended rank, can only advance to Grand Inquisitor (not listed)
Has command over Enforcers and Decons.
Exposes enemies of Shampoo. (hence the nick name "Shampoo Inquisition")

Dead end rank, can only advance to Sargent (not listed)
Has no command.
Wipes out those who the Inquisitors expose, or the High Priest considers
a threat.

How you advance in the SCG ranks depends on how you act.
Experience and devotion are taken into consideration.
Also I do play favorites now and then... ^_-

What's up with these anime chars in the staff profiles:
One part of the SCG is Role Playing, and as a added bonus of membership, you are allowed 1 RPcompanion. That's where chars like Erica, Charlotte, and Peorth come in.

With the arrival of the SCG, Petes brought jobs for Amazons, Monitors.
A monitor is a well trained Amazon, wearing flak vests and helmets baring
the icon of the SCG, they monitor the areas around the Tower and the village.

The Weapons project:
In the hopes of cammanding the ultimate weapons in the MLverse, Petes started
the Weapons project. Each Weapon is powered by a core made of Warpstone
materia. (warpstone infused with mako energy)

Purple Weapon:
The first product of the Weapons project.
Originaly designed to be AI piloted, it failed miserably and Petes nearly
gave up on the Weapons project, but after watching a bit of NGE, he realized
that the entry plug system may just work.
With a working entry plug built, Petes needed a pilot, not easy to find in
the SCG since there aren't many 14 year olds without a real family.
Eventualy Petes found his pilot and returned to testing.
Later on Petes un-earthed an angel mask (it did happen!) and later disovered
it held the abilty to create a ATF.
Grafting the mask to the head of PW, Petes was able to modify it to generate
a ATF for 10mins.
This is considered the Unit-00 of the Weapons project.
It looks like a big EVA sized purple C-class boomer.
Weapons: Prog knife (right shoulder), Impact jezzail (left shoulder),
Warp-materia cannon (materia core in chest), other weapons from the
weapon depots
Pros:It's the only one designed with the Warp-materia cannon, internal
power source
Cons:The AT-Field has a short life span, it works for 10mins and then
shuts down for a few hours.

Blue Weapon:
The second product of the Weapons project.
This was unfinished when the war began and was without a pilot.
This is the first to have a fully operational ATF.
This Weapon also has the abilty to increase the rate of synchronization.
Considered to be the Unit-01 of the Weapons project.
It looks like a big EVA sized BU-class boomer, with the autocannon arm
exchanged for a normal arm.
Weapons:from the weapon depots
Pros:Working AT-Field, greater strenght, increased synchronization rate,
internal power source
Cons:Has no built in weapons

Black Weapon:
The third product of the Weapons project is almost complete.
As of now it is still in production and won't be ready for testing in a week
or two.

Launch area:

Weapon depots:
The area around the tower and the village has underground weapon depots like
in NGE, usualy holding assult rifles, positron weapons,
and experimental ATF breaking bonbori.

The Fallen Angel, Cypher is what a Angel becomes when it turns to Chaos and
gives up its soul.
Cypher is a EVA/Angel given to the select few Daemon
Princes, of whom use their own souls to power and pilot this metal
The way it works is that the DP lends his soul to Cypher, it uses it to
power itself and to operate, durring this time the pilot is unconscious
and Cypher is in fact, working on it's own.
If the pilot wakes up, they gain control of Cypher and control it like
a well trained Eva.
It has a form of ATF called a Soul Field, a energy emited by the soul that
powers Cypher.
Against foes like Eva-O, Cypher's SF is useless since it involves shocking
its attacker with dark energy, and Eva-O absorbs that sort of energy.
After being wounded and a battle with Eva-O known to few, Cypher flew off,
leaving Petes and Erica.
Part of the Weapon project involves the capture of Cypher for further
Pilot:Various Daemon Princes, the latest was Petes-kun.
Weapons:Soul Field, the Lance of Cypher
Pros:Soul Field, energy wings
Cons:SF is inneffective towards Unit Omega

Requiremnets of a Weapon pilot:
-it was found that females can only synchronize with the Weapons,
so a Weapon pilot must be born a girl

List of accepted pilots:
-Erica(Purple Weapon)
-Yashoko(Blue Weapon)
-<<<Classified>>>(Black Weapon)


-Impact Jezzail
A large Eva sized six shooter, the IJ is loaded with bullets very much
like Jezzail shells, make of pure warpstone. This weapon is meant to weaken
ATFs by being fired simutainiously, each shell exploding on impact, causing
the ATF to be corrupted with warp energy and eventualy it will collapes.
This is PW's best gun against Eva-O. A Mk2 version is in production, it is
to be designed like a bolt pistol that the Sisters of Battle use. Obviously
it's designed to be fully automatic and will be higher powered.

-Mk1 Positron Rifle
This has never *officialy* been used, like the name suggests, it fires a
beam of positronic energy that can peirce a ATF. The rifle's power source
comes from Petes himself. The down side was that the electrons in the air
doesn't mix to well with the positrons in the blast. The rifle was damaged
beyond repair by Yang's EMP.

-Mk2 Positron Rifle
This is a better version of the old rifle. This one projects a containment
beam a split second before the positron energy is shot, creating a clear
path for the positrons to pass. In appearance the rifle resembles a jezzail,
right down to the ball in front of the trigger (I don't know what that is
for the jezzail), this is a warp-materia core that powers the gun.
The drawback is that it has a annoying recoil.

A large pair of bonbori, these contain ATFs similar to Blue Weapon's.
The ATFs are a bit unreliable though. In turn, another ATF can negate
the bonbori's, fortunatly it still means that they can bash up their
opponent pretty good. ^_^

-Assult Rifle
A large Uzi. That's all there is to say.

-Warp Launcher
A large missle launcher that fires warp missiles, missles that can go
through ANY field or armour in exsistence by somehow teleporting past
the field/armour and exploding inside the target.

-MPEVA Blade
And exact copy of the blades use by the mass produced Evas (Units 5-13).
If you have no knowledge of those or the movie "End of Evangelion", then
I should give a minor description:
It works just like the Spear of Destiny, it is used like those swords
Klingons have and looks like two black plane wings put together.
There you go.

Post Angel Piloting Syndrome (P.A.P. Syndrome):
After Petes' experience with Cypher, he began to experience dreams of
Cypher's past battles, both as a Fallen Angel and a piloted shell.
This has been identified as a link between Cypher and it's pilot when they
are unnaturaly separated. As mentioned, Cypher requires souls to work, and
when the pilot leaves without Cypher returning to the warp, a peice of the
pilot's soul is left with Cypher until the pilot regains it.

Neural Transfer:
Another added aspect of Cypher's systems is that the pilot slowly learns how
Cypher works while unconscious. Durring the time Cypher has control of the
pilot's soul, the pilot learns everything about Cypher, what he's made of,
why he doesn't require LCL, what abilties are at his diposal, etc.
Petes would have defeated Eva-O hands down if he didn't wake up so soon.
But he did, and most of the needed combat info was incomplete, and Petes was
unprepared against Eva-O.
What he did learn, was *supposedly* used for the design of Black Weapon.
"Supposedly" means that since Petes was the only one involved in BW's design
and construction, no one knows how he's building it, or where for that matter
since the Compound was destroyed in the blast.

Other Weapons:
Plans for a fourth Weapon are being set, the next one will most likely end
the line of Weapons made after Shampoo's hair colours.

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