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Credit Where Credit Is Due...
(Thanks to those whose made impacts on the creation of my page, RPs, fics, etc.)

Rumiko Takahashi
For creating great series like Ranma and Urusei Yatsura of which I'd be only hooked on Mecha anime without....
And fer creating kiwaii chicks like Lum, Ukyou aaaaaannnnd Sham-chan!!! ^_~

Black Rabbit
The artist who created the drawings that inspired Erica and Tamara.

The RanmaML
Without their insanity rubbing off on me I'd still be the "normal" shmuck back when I was only on the 40k list. (no offence towards the 40k list of course...) And for helping me get in touch with my hentai side. ^_~

The Fanfiction ML
For their helpful critisim on the fics I posted.

My fellow SCGers
Of whom their support has driven me this far. If not for them I'd be giving WoS a second chance...

Mike Judge
Come on! Beavis and Butthead has affected us all, ne?

For giving me the space fer this lovely web page yer veiwing now.

Front page & Netscape Composer
Erica: Petes, don't you think you've gone too far? Next you'll be thanking the postman for not shooting you!
Petes: Damn! I fergot him!