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Ranma Project Mangas translated from vol.30 and up. Updates erratically.
Ranma Library  A one stop Ranma info page 
No Need for Mercy Ever wanted to fill Ayeka full of lead? Ever wanted to annihilate Sasami for being TOO cute? Here's yer chance! 
Anime Web Turnpike  If it's anime, if it's on the net, then they probably have a link to it. 
USURP home page A RanmaML faction currently run by Owain (started up by H-chan). It's dedicated to the lesser Ranma personae. The page has all kinds of misc. stuff on the lesser chars and a sign up section. 
Ranma 2096 home page One of the best Fanfics I've read in my life!!! This page contains an archive of every single fic and side story based in the R2096 universe.
KTF home page Knights of the True Fiancee. Another RanmaML faction. This one dedicated to the preservation of Ranma and Akane's marriage
Japanese/English dictionary This page has a great dictionary that translates English and Romaji.
Tomobiki-cho: The Urusei Yatsura Web Site  A page of UY info, pics and fanfics. One of the best.
Ranma 1/2 Fan Contributions page A page of fanfics, fanart and even fanfic art!
Shampoo's Cat Cafe
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