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Cindy Samuel
SETYG Advisor

Hello Out There in SETYGland!!

Rub in that last drop of sun block because soon the fluorescent lights of a classroom will be shining down. But that's ok, because as summer fades away, Shaare Emeth Temple Youth Group (SETYG) begins!!!

SETYG is made up of amazing high school students like you who have diverse interests and ideas. Perhaps, you'll recoginize an SETYGer walking down the halls of your school. Or maybe you'll work with one at Camp Rainbow this summer. No matter where you go, there are SETYGers doing great things.

For those of you who may not know me, my name is Cindy Samuel and I am the advisor to SETYG for the 1998-1999 year. As as advisor, I ensure that all of SETYG's programs are fun and oh so cool. Another neat thing that I do is to make sure that SETYG offers the types of activities you want and need.

SETYG offers:

An all out, hotter than hot event each month (like rock climbing, cosmic bowling, riding around in a limo for a progressive dinner, and the list goes on...)

Gettin' Down with G-d this is a monthly creative Shabbat Service that gives you the opportunity to take a few moments out of your hectic life and welcome Shabbat!

Lounge Nights: beginning this year, once a month, there will be an evening reserved just to hang with friends and chill in the SETYG Moadon (or as we like to refer to it - 'the Mo').

The NFTY (National Federation of Temple Youth) connection: year round weekend conclaves with other cool people within our region - that's Kansas, Nebraska, Southern Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, and Colorado - just to name a few.

We will also be hosting the NFTY Mo' Valley
Winter Conclave. That's like playing host of 250 high school students for a weekend of fun and frolic (with some Judaism mixed in!). There are many opportunities to take a leadership role in this conclave, so just give me a call or e-mail me and tell me how you'd like to help!
This year promises to be programatically packed, so jump into SETYG early! If you have any questions about youth group or would just like to say "Hi!" give me a call at temple, 569-0010.

Cindy Samuel, SETYG Advisor

SETYG Executive Board


SETYG on the WWW
