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SETYG Information

Welcome to the INFO page of SETYG. The first link is a letter from SETYG's President, Susan Pultman. The second link is a letter from SETYG advisor, Cindy Samuel. These letters welcome you to SETYG. The third link is to the Constitution of SETYG. The fourth link is to the NFTY Code of Conduct. The Code is a set of rules you have to follow when participating in SETYG/NFTY related events. The fifth link is SETYG's Application Form. You have to fill out this form in order to attend an event. You can either fill the form out online or print it out and send it in to SETYG. The sixth link is back to SETYG on the WWW. Have fun navigating! Be sure to check out the events page! We have some great and exciting events coming up!!

Dear SETYG...

Cindy Samuel, SETYG Advisor

SETYG Constitution

Code of Conduct

Application Form

SETYG on the WWW
