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From the desk of Susan Pultman, SETYG President


I hope you all are having an incredible summer. Now that it is coming to a close, I'd like to take a moment to introduce you to SETYG (Shaare Emeth Temple Youth Group), and to myself. My name is Susan Pultman, and I have the privilege of being SETYG's new president. I'll be a junior at MICDS next year, and last year I was the Social Action VP.

I am really excited about the programming and leadership opportunities that SETYG has to offer this year.

SETYG is a wonderful way to make incredible long-lasting friendships, laugh until you cry (really), do crazy things that you probably wouldn't do otherwise, and maybe even learn something in the meantime. To give you an example of the type of programs we do, check out some of our award-winning programs from last year. We went camping at YMCA's Trout Lodge, rock-climbing at the Goodlife Climbing Gym, had a late-night road rally scavenger hunt on Olive Street Road, packed meals for the homeless and aged, had a social action progressive dinner, attended many awesome in and out of town conclaves (weekend retreats with youth groupers from 7 states), and much, much more!

Also, this year we have a unique opportunity. Shaare Emeth is hosting NFTY-Missouri Valley Winter Conclave from December 25th-28th! This means that SETYG will be planning, organizing, and running the entire weekend! There are many, many roles you can play in this event-ranging from being a conclave "overall" (i.e. "Conclave chairperson") to being either a committee chair or even a committee member... and the list goes on. We would love you to be a part of the weekend, so please contact me or our advisor, Cindy Samuel, if you'd either like to help with the conclave festivities or would like more information about it.

Finally (now this one is especially for freshmen), I want to tell you about one more leadership opportunity. SETYG is looking for a member of the freshman class to be on the 1998-1999 Executive Board to serve as our Ninth Grade Representative. Applications and more information will be passed along to you soon, but if you are interested in becoming a leader in this amazing organization, let us know!!

Feel free to call me or drop me an e-mail any time you want to know more about SETYG, or just to say "Hi!" You can get hold of me at 966-4551, or at

I hope the rest of your summer is relaxing and fun, and I can't wait to see all of you at our first event of the year!!


Susan Pultman

SETYG Executive Board

