Here are some links we've collected. Tell 'em Sister Mary sent ya.
Mobile Infinity - a mobile recording studio. We've recorded everything with them.
Parlay - Parlay rocks, that's just how it is
The Zone - another local KC site
HOOLIGAN EMPIRE - a local punk/skin owned & operated clothing/design company
Johnny Black and the Assassins - Kick ass KC band, if you haven't seen them there's something wrong with you.
Annie On My Mind sometimes it's Annie on my Nuts, etc. Those boys are tha shit.
The Main Street Saints - our own local oi bois
Ghost Towne Zine - a local zine
The Distillers A great band to check out.
The Gadjits A great KC band to check out.
The world's most kick ass mail order clothing company, run by St. Francis himself.
Terminus City The world's most kick ass band, fronted by St. Francis himself, along with Guillermo, Wes & Chris.
Kelly's Heroes The world's sexiest band.
Beerzone One of England's most kick ass bands. The drummer is the president of the mile high wanker club, don't ask.
KOSHER Out of Warrensburg, one of our favorites.
Tanka Ray Local punk rock band, very nice boys.
Looky here, we won an award!
House of the Rising Punk a vast listing of labels and bands.
mi6 Midwestcoast Punk Rock, and just really nice boys.
Synapsis Digital Magazine A fine digital magazine encompassing all of the KC music scene.
American Upstart Magazine The online version of the fine publication covering streetpunk & oi.
A french site that catalogs a whole mess of female fronted & all other punk bands.
Plinko Records Record label out of Indiana that let lovingly allowed us on their comp, Shit Like A Champion Today: Revenge of Old Bob. Also home to the legendary Urinal Mints.