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This is pics on characters and Digimon. Info too but not much since i


Tai is like the leader of the group! he's cool but his voice is kinda annoying, to me! hehe! His Digimon is:

Stage 1- Koromon

Stage 2- Agumon

Stage 3- Greymon

Stage 4- Metal Greymon


Matt's a cool guy. One of my favorites cause he always cares about his little bro and looks for him in freezing cold weather when he's lost! He's another leader type guy. One of them big shots...His Digimon is:

Stage 1- Tsunomon

Stage 2- Gabumon

Stage 3- Garurumon


TK's cool too! Matt's little bro. he's nice but very gullible and stuff...His Digimon is:

Stage 1- Tokomon

Stage 2- Patamon

Stage 3- Angemon


joe's cool. he understands things but he can be moved be peer pressure. He is a thinker. His Digimon is:

Stage 1- Bukamon

Stage 2- Gomamon

Stage 3- Ikkakuman

Stage 4-Zudomon


Sora is somewhat cool I guess. SHe's concrete and a strong character! I like her! Not as in like like, but as a cool person. Not that she is real,! ok,Her Digimon is:

Stage 1- Yokoman

Stage 2- Biyomon

Stage 3- Birdramon


Hmmmm, I would say that she is quite a DITZ!!! AHHHHH!!! she's sooooo dumb and stuff! Man! Her Digimon is:

Stage 1- Tanemon

Stage 2- Palmon

Stage 3- Togamon


Izzy's the brain of the group. He looks young but he's a genius! I'd love to have him as a friend! PREDIGIOUS!...His Digimon is:

Stage 1- Motimon

Stage 2- Tentomon

Stage 3- Kabuterimonn

That's it for now!