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A Brief Bio

I was born in St. Louis, MO on October 21, 1978. My parents are Ora J. Lewis and Billy W. Hall. I was raised by my mother, however, my father plays a very important role in my life. I recieved nurturing from all of my family, which is why I'm such a strong individual now. My younger years were molded with the help of my grandmother.

I attended many elementary schools in order for me to gain the best education I possibly could. The one that stands out the most is Classical Junior Academy. It was a magnet school in the St. Louis Public School District. It was there that I gained the fundalmentals I needed to be a very successful person.

I attened Metro Academic and Classical High School. It was there where I became an outstanding track athlete. I set all the records in my event and made history by becoming the first male to win Conference, then the first male to win State. My high school years were filled with many ups and downs, but it made me who I am.

Because of my athletic ability I was offered a track scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University. I was excited to be running at a Division I school, but that soon changed. Due to many different elements, my focus has moved from track to academics. I believe the change was for the better, however, some people don't.

One of my greatest accomplishments was crossing the burning sands of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. After numerous tries of getting a chapter established, I believed that I would have to join by way of grad chapter. However, my prayers were answered when I become the tail of S.S. Four Seasons. We braved the River Omega and crossed the sand into Omegaland on March 6, 1999 at 4:19:11 pm. My line brothers are 1. Riki "Tank Smith 2. James "CPT" Ashford 3. Joel "Quedini" Lester 4. Shaun "sQUEaky" Atkinson and I'm #5. Stephen "Left-E Que" Hall. Now I most continue on and become successful like all Omega Men.
