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This personal letter written in the Polish language appeared as an article in the newspaper GAZETA INFORMACYJNA.

Ewa also was a guest on Vancouver's Polish Radio Station 102.7 FM called RADIO GAMMA.

Click here to go to their website. Ewa's interview can be found in ARCHIVES under the dates Oct. 12, 2002 and Oct. 19, 2002.


Chcialabym serdecznie podziekowac sponsorom Miss Lata 2002:

Polonez Tri-City, Belweder North Shore, Gazeta Informacyjna

W szczegolnosci dziekuje:

- Pani Elzbiecie Kozar za duzy wklad w przygotowaniu artystycznym
- Pani Bozenie Lukomskiej-Khan za czuwanie nad caloscia programu
- Pani Urszuli Sulinskiej i Pani Danucie Zajac za organizacje,
- oraz wspanialej Publicznosci i Sedziom za glosowanie na mnie.

Jestem zaskoczona, wzruszona i bardzo szczesliwa, ze moge reprezentowac polskie srodowisko w British Columbia.

Miss Summer Polonia pozwala dziewczetom polskiego pochodzenia pokazac swoja urode i talent.

W ciagu roku pomoge polskiej mlodziezy zrozumiec waznosc i urok tej imprezy.

Nagrode pieniezna uzyje do kontynuowania moich medycznych studiow a brylantowe kolczyki ktore dostalam od Pani Elzbiety Pawelec z Lord Jewellers upieksza moja prezentacje na polonijnych spotkaniach.

Mam nadzieje, ze spelnie oczekiwania wszystkich moich sponsorow i organizatorow.

Ewa Jedrzejewska
Miss Lata 2002

Thank you!!

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all of the sponsors of Miss Summer 2002:

Polonez Tri-City, Belweder North Shore, Gazeta Informacyjna

In particular, I would like to send my “thanks” to the following people:

- Miss Elizabeth Kozar for her big role in preparing us girls artistically
- Miss Bozena Lukomska-Khan for all of her hard work in the program
- Miss Urszula Sulinska and Miss Danuta Zajac for her organization
- My friends & family members who have believed in me continually throughout my life
- as well as the Public and Jury members who voted for me

I am thrilled and very touched to be chosen as Miss Summer 2002, and I am very happy to represent the Polish culture of British Columbia.

This competition, Miss Summer Polonia allows women from Polish backgrounds to show their beauty and talents.

Throughout this coming year I will help the Polish youth to understand the importance of such an event.

I will use the monetary award to continue my studies in medicine at the University of British Columbia. The diamond stud earrings which were presented to me by Miss Elizabeth Pawelec of Lord Jewellers enhance my presentation and I will wear them in my future events within the Polish community.

I am hoping, that I will fulfill the expectations set for me by all of my sponsors and organizers.

Sincerely Yours,

Ewa Jedrzejewska
Miss Summer 2002