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The 1st chakra is the root.
It is the most primitive energy center and regulates our basic survival mechanisms. We associate color red with this chakra. The immune system, our will to live, and our ability to reproduce are in its domain.
The 1st chakra absorbs energy from the earth. it is found at your tailbone. It is sometimes called the basal chakra. It is our basic life force and properly stimulated it can ease fears and make us aware of past talents.
When this chakra is disrupted the following symptoms may be observed:
sexual obsession
impulsive and reckless behavior
immediate gratification urges
power concerns
manipulative behavior
and immune system problems

The 2nd chakra
Also known as the spleen chakra. Found just above the genitals and below the navel. This center monitors our basic emotions, creativity, the lower digestive tract, excretory system, kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder and pancreas.
It concerns itself with detoxification of the body. It's color is orange.
Imbalances cause:
lack of vitality
accelerated aging
anti-social behavior
and loss of identity

The 3rd Chakra
This is also referred to as the Solar plexus Chakra. Located just below the breastbone at the base of the sternumand it appears yellow in color.
This chakra is the point of personal power and expression of creativity. Through the balanced use of that power. Astral voyages are also associated with this chakra.
This chakra is also concerned with the powers of the mind, emotions, stomach, and upper digestive tract. The assimilation of nutrients, psychic experiences, rational (left brain) thought processes and atonement to the influence of natures elements within our lives are part of this chakras domain.
Imbalances cause:
timidity and fear in general
anger and rage
judgemental and dogmatic behavior
feeling deprived of recognition

The 4th Chakra
Also known as the heart chakra and is located in the center of the chest at approximately the level of the heart muscle between the ribs on the sternum.
It's color is green. This energy center influences the thymus gland of our immune system, circulatory system, tissue regeneration, and right brain function.
It is the center of our higher love, healing, understanding, and compassion.
It is the gatekeeper to the higher chakras and must be unblocked for us to grow spiritually.
It is the crossraod of transformation and balance. It stands midway between the physical and spiritual life. Both forms of energy are processed here. If the spritual energy coming from the upper 3 chakras is blocked, this will deny the lower 3 the vital energy required for preparing our physical body for its spiritual growth.
Imbalances cause:
attitude of coldness
devoid of compassion and morality
financial and emotional insecurities
jealousy and possesiveness
mistrustfulness of life
blaming others

The 5th Chakra
ALso known as the throat chakra. Located in the region near the lower cervical vertebrae. This is the center of communication and clairaudience.
Associated with thyroid, lungs, and organs of the throat and upper chest and its color is blue. It also concerns itself with creativity, right brain functions and psychic abilitiessuch as clairaudience and telepathy.
Imbalances cause:
neurotic obsessions
excessive vocalization or the inability to express oneself (stuttering)
Constant giving in to authority figures clinging to tradition and fixed ideas
resisting change and dogmatic behavior
authoritarian behavior
being slow to respond to input from others

THe 6th chakra
The 3rd eye chakra or brow chakra. Also known as the agna chakra, and deals with intuition and higher sense perception (such as clairvoyance)
This chakra is found in the center of the forehead, just above the eyebrows and its color indigo associated with the third eye chakra.
It is the seat of our psychic and mental functions. It also exerts an effect on the pituitary gland and the entire endocrine system, immune system, the eyes, ears, and sinuses.
This Chakra functions as a balancing center for the left and right brain. It also deals with creative visualization, imagination, and spiritual vision.
Imbalances cause:
mental or psychic distress (i.e. hallucinations and delusions)
sleep disorders
eye problems
hormonal imbalance
pursuing idolized relationships
fear of future
oversensitivity to the opinions of others
excessive worrying

The 7th Chakra
The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and functions as an inlet for and link with spiritual energies and violet is it color.
This center is also referred to as the "Thousand Petalled Lotus" and functions to maintain a continuity of consciousness.
It is the 1st chakra to receive spiritual energy from cosmic sources, and last energy center to process energy flowing up from the lower chakras. A block in this chakra means there is no flow of spiritual energy in either direction. Life now becomes stagnant and meaningless.
All possibilities for spiritual growth will cease and the physical body will eventually die when this chakra is blocked.
A proper balancing of this chakra will can release information of our higher self with our physical body.
Imbalances cause:
intense erotic fantasies
feeling misunderstood and/or shameful
expressing a low self image
inability to maintain relationships
excessive need for sympathy

We as spiritual beings are immersed in the energy field of the universe. This consists of all 5 lower planes.
You may only be concious of events occuring on the physical plane, such as fragrence of perfume, an itch on your body, or the sound of a bird chirping.
This does not limit us to the physical plane. The reason we do not perceive these other dimensions is simply due to the fact that our conciousness can not handle the extra data.
The true nature of our being is spiritual and energy based. Normally our energies are in complete balance and harmony.
We have a higher self, the perfect part of our soul, which regulates these energies.
Chakra energies are a significant component of this system. Our soul is simply energy that is created in duality and is trying to return to its original source.
The subconcious mind is another term for the soul. As spiritual beings composed of energy, we are dynamic in motion, and its natural for us to reach out and interact with other energies.
This interaction contributes to our realignment in our own energy systems.