Something about me.
I am danish, 39 years old, I am married to Rune. I have given birth to 4 children: Alex who died from Sids jan. 22. 1991, only 6 weeks old. Nina born jan.7. 1992, Sara born august 8. 1993 and Emma born sept. 2. 1997.
From my very first pregnancy, I have been very interested in everything that has to do with pregnancy and childbirth, and it is my dream, to be able to work with pregnant women and new mothers/babies. In march I finished my education as social and health assistent, and I am now employed at a hospital, on a surgical ward.
We live in a big old house, with a garden that needs a lot of love and care. I have a dog, who loves to dig up my plants, and our 3 guinea pigs often get babies, and gives us lots of fun and a lots of work..