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Upsilon Omega Journal

Friendship is Essential
to the Soul

Upsilon Omega Journal
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity,Inc.

Speacial Points
of Interest

Taking out the Trash

“I Love My Que Psi Phi,” how many times have we all heard this. The question is how many of us RESPECT the Fraternity. Respect for the Fraternity is rapidly fading away. There is younger generation and a generation that refuses to grow up that are planting seeds of destruction for this Fraternity. Why do we allow people who are not members of this Fraternity into our company, but we beat up and disrespect those who are members? This type of logic is disturbing.

Recently, the behavior of certain brothers is disturbing. Two members of the Fraternity were expelled for reasons that could have cost YOU money or YOUR chapter had they not been attended to immediately. I don’t understand how individuals who blatantly violate our rules and regulations can still be allowed to function as a brother. With all of the problems this Fraternity and the Greek system are having, how are we going to survive if we don’t rid ourselves of the cancer that is killing us? It baffles me that no one is concerned over the current state of affairs. Let me put this in perspective for some of you “Out Bruzz”. We lost $770,000 in the University of Maryland hazing case involving a Ruptured spleen, cracked sternum, concussion, broken ankle; $950,000 in Kentucky where a young man suffered serious injuries, and we’ve just settled the TSU $15million case where another person has died at the hands of the same chapter; 1983 and 2001. In addition to these past cases, there are other cases we have to defend that are costing us thousands and thousands of dollars we don’t really have. Our Fraternity is a “Dues” run organization, the main sources of income are dues and initiation fees. This Fraternity has been operating in the “RED” for years; we are not financially stable. Some of you “Bruzz” wouldn’t know that because you’re not involved in anything, you are too busy “Being Out.”

Many brothers refuse to grow up. Over the last three or four years our lines have been getting younger, the average age of each line is around 25-30 with exception of the last line. This 25-30 age group is the group that is absent. They are absent because they are trying to re-live an undergraduate experience that they will never have. If you did not come in this Fraternity as an undergraduate, those years are lost. If there was an active undergraduate chapter where you went to school and you had the grades at that time, why didn’t you “Pledge” there? Why join the graduate chapter and run back to where you went to school to show everyone that you are a brother now? You could’ve had an undergraduate experience then you are trying to have now. Why do some of you in the professional world go back to your school to seek the approval of kids? I understand that there are some circumstances that have prevented some brothers from joining an undergraduate chapter, but you still have to realize where you are in life. Some joined the graduate chapter because there was no way they could’ve ever joined an undergraduate chapter because of poor grades. Now that they have graduated with those poor grades they can become an “Out Bruh”. Maybe we need to analyze our requirements for membership beyond the undergraduate level. .

Another concern I have is for those who entered the Fraternity through an undergraduate chapter, and can’t leave it alone. You don’t realize that your presence isn’t going to make the chapter grow it will only hinder it because you won’t leave.

This is an aging chapter where a certain number of brothers have been carrying the weight while others sit back and discuss who “Wrecked” whom. Where is the future leadership in this Chapter? I don’t see it at this point in time. We have younger brothers with so much potential, but they won‘t grow up. Until some brothers grow up the same people are going to have to carry the weight. Those who don’t’ like what’s going on are going to have to deal with it because you’re not doing anything to change it or make it better. How can we have new blood to come in and provide new leadership when their too scared to enforce the rules and regulations for fear of being called CAT? .

As Omegas we are to act discreetly but we don’t. We leave the door open for the world to see what we do. We don’t think about our perception or the consequences of our actions. Wednesday nights have always been for brothers and brothers only. We do not bring outsiders into our house! What we do in our house, is our business. No one but Brothers should be in the house on Wednesdays.

To our new/younger brothers, You need to re-evaluate why you joined this fraternity. You need to get away from this superficial concept of what this Fraternity is. You took the same oath that the rest of us took. You swore to uphold the Constitution, rules and regulations, and meet the financial obligations of this Fraternity. Get involved, the chapter is wide open, join a committee, or run for an office. Stop sitting around on Wednesday nights talking about “Wrecking” someone because they didn’t know what’s behind the shield.

Trash and filth is a breeding ground for disease, we should keep our house in order and take out the trash. What would brothers Love, Just, Cooper or Coleman say seeing a man sitting in our house who’s been expelled by the Fraternity because he brought shame upon what we claim to love so much till the day we die. Wait a minute, what was I thinking? They couldn’t say anything; the Founders would get their Asses kicked by some “OUT BRUZZ” because they don’t know what’s behind the shield.

Basileus Speaks: Crossing the Great Divide

By Brother Matthew Davis

As you know, we have brothers of varying ages in our chapter. Ages representing at least four generations, the Silent, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and New Millennium. Knowledge and wisdom comes with age. This being so, how do we get Generation X’ers and the New Millennium’s to tap that knowledge? Maybe the newer generations think if you don’t know how to work a computer or operate a “game boy”, you don’t know anything. The “old guys” think that energy is wasted on the young. With such a separation in thought, little is often passed on to those who need mentoring the most. How do we cross the great divide?

I beseech you wise brothers to take a more active role with the youth of the chapter. Take an interest in the well being of a younger brother(s). The younger generations are facing some formidable hurdles when it comes to employment, entrepreneurship, education, and believe it or not, the opposite sex. They need guidance, and I mean guidance other than that provided by parents or other family members. Maybe they need validation of what they have been taught. Why should the school of hard knocks teach them when you can?

To my younger brothers, reach out to an older brother. So you tried to reach out to a brother and they were not receptive, reach out to another one. Males do have to learn how to be men, real men. I don’t mean anything having to do with being macho, but with knowing how to take care of life’s business and being successful. I’m willing to bet, educated men measure success in the same way. How do you measure success?) How do we cross the age barrier, how do we cross the great divide?

Kudos, Bro. Duane Lewis Promoted Director of Football Media

Fraternity Meeting

The next meeting of the Upsilon Omega Chapter will be on Friday, August 8, 2003 8:00 p.m.

Community Services

The next Omega Community service meeting will be held on Saturday, August 30, 2003 at 4:00 p.m. All financial brothers are welcome to attend.

Clothing and Canned Food Drive

Brothers are reminded to bring clothing items and canned goods to the Fraternity House.


The Chapter website has been updated and you can view the Journal on the Web. Brothers who have moved , changed numbers, jobs , email or any other important information please advise the KRS


The Winter 2002 edition of the Oracle is in. The Oracles are now sent in bulk to Chapters and are to be distributed by the Chapter KRS. The Pan-Hellenic Directory is also in. If you have not received a directory see the KRS at Fraternity Meeting.

Chapter Barbeque

The annual Chapter Barbeque will be Sunday August 17, 2003 at Vago Park.
Directions from Highway 70

Directions from Page Ave.
Directions from St. Charles Rock Road

This 20 acre park contains three playgrounds, including handicap accessible play structures, a sand volleyball court, five horse shoe pits, a beautiful gazebo, accessible bathrooms, a walking/jogging track, a fitness course, a lighted softball field, three pavilions, a multi purpose court with basketball goals, and several picnic sites with barbecue grills.

Building Fund Pledges and Contributions

$2500 OTHER
Frank Robinson Leon Ashford $2000
Alvin Winton Kenneth Patterson $1500
Doug Williams Allen Winbush
Ernest Jacobs (pd) James Ball $1500
Gary White Kevin Collins $1500
Gerald DeClue Clyde Turner $1000(pd)
Lloyd Jordan Stephen Piphus $500
Grover Johnson Clifford States $500
Leroy Adkins(pd) Willie Palmer
Lynn Beckwith(pd) Harvey McElroy $2000
Stephen Coleman ($10,000) Robert Nesbitt $500(pd)
Milton Patton(pd) William McHugh $500(pd)
Oscar Williams Gloria White(Glenn) $2000
Charles Shelton Jr. Matthew Davis $1500
Reginald Moore Augustus Bell $1000(pd)
Harry Ratliff Alexander Hannah $1000
Edwin Bailey Jayson Jones $500
James Trinble(pd) Anthony West $500
Zachary Newland Philip White $1500
Jimmie Irons $500
Percy West $1000(pd)
Albert Smith $1000
Barry Berry $1000

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