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Ravenwood Kids

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Those Trusting Eyes


When I look into his trusting eyes I can clearly see,

The beauty of an innocent soul, no warmer love than he;

He loves me in spite of all my faults every single day,

What meaningful, bright and wondrous times we'll share along the way;

Without this sweet and loving soul the future would be so blue,

There's joy and happiness found in life with everything we do;

The devotion and the love we feel, for us there is no barrier,

There is no life more beautiful than life with a wire fox terrier.



Here are some pictures I have taken over the years of our Wire Hair Puppies and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. As you can see everyone gets involved with the puppies; grandkids, cats, Amber, our yellow Lab (who mothers everything).

Amber is a role model for the Wire Fox Terrier puppies Wire Hair Fox Terrier puppy all tired out from playing
Amber teaching the basics to Wire puppy What ever is in here? Wire Fox and buddy check it out. Grandma Lacey and Wire Puppy