Subject: Computer Cartography (Geog 3123)
Instructor: Dr. M. M. Yagoub
PM Date: Tuesday 11/06/2002 Venue: Building 49/8
Student's Name:_____________________________ Student's ID:_____________
Answer all questions
Total marks = 40
Section A:
Circle the correct answer
1. A map in which data collection units are dotted to represent different magnitude of variables is known as:
a) thematic b) choropleth c) neither a nor b
2. Temperature data can be described as :
a) uni-polar b) balanced c) Bi-polar
3. A feature that has definite boundary is known as:
a) vector b) continuous c) discrete
4. In the visible spectrum, the color with shorter wave length is:
a) Red b) Green c) Blue
5. A map that displays two attributes simultaneously is known as:
a) uni-varaite b) multi-varaite c) bi-variate
6. Proportional symbols may not reflect the true magnitude of a phenomena if they are created with
a) mathematical scaling
b) perceptual scaling
c) range grading
7. The best method for interpolating elevation data is:
a) Triangulation b) Inverse distance c) Kriging
Color CRT contains:
a) three guns b)
four guns
c) five guns
9. CMYK colors are: a) additive
b) balanced
c) subtractive
10. HVC model of coloring is based
a) Hardware
c) CIE
1. People who
can not distinguish red from green color are said to have
2. The problem with computer-based maps is the
fact that, colors produced at one PC may not look typical at some other
PCs. This may be due to __________________ ___________
3. For
balanced data, diverging scheme of colors is recommended because it
Conceptual point data are _________________________________________
5. What is meant by data
6. List two problems associated with
computer interpolation methods
7. A color scheme that worked best for acquiring specific information is
8. The basic difference between the
inverse distance and Kriging methods of interpolation is
9. The
proportional scaling method in which readers may misinterpret specific information if they do not pay careful
attention to the legend is known
1. a) Describe briefly how CRT works, illustrate by
b) List three disadvantages
of CRT?
2. a) List the main steps for creating a map, illustrate by figures?
b) Draw a figure showing the main elements that must be included in a map?
a) List and define the
methods of scaling (sizing) proportional symbols, illustrate by figures?
b) List and define the new tools that are used
to enhance visualization of spatial
4. Given
the coordinates (x, y): (2, 12), (4, 10), (6, 8), (7, 6), (9, 2)
Calculate the mean center, standard deviation for each (x and y) and plot a rough scatter plot showing the relationship between the variables (x and y). Is there any correlation between the two variables (is it positive , negative, or none)?
5. Using the equal interval, quantiles, and optimal classification methods of data, classify the following numbers into suitable number of classes.
The numbers are: 3, 5, 17, 11, 13, 120, 25, 39, 70, 99, 112, 280.