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United Arab Emirates University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Geography


Mid Term Exam

Subject: Principles of Cartography

Course Code: Geog 2003

Instructor: Dr. M. M. Yagoub


  PM       Date: Monday 23/04/2001      Location: Building 71/9      Time: 12-1


Section A:  Answer all the questions


Each question one mark. Total = 10 marks.


Make a circle around the correct answer


Q1: Map is a graphic representation of both physical and human environment

                            Yes                                 No

Q2: Graphicacy: is not the most important method of communication

                            Yes                                 No

Q3: Abstraction means representation of only information that has been chosen

                           Yes                                  No

Q4: Latitude is the North-South angular distance from:

      a) the Greenwich        b) the equator         c) the North Pole


Q5: Longitude is the East-West angular distance from:

        a) Prime meridian (Greenwich)       b) the equator              c) the North Pole  

Q6: Parallel is a line joining points with the same:

         a)  latitude        b) longitude      c) elevation

Q7: Meridian is a line joining points with the same:

          a)  latitude        b) longitude      c) elevation

Q8: Graticule is imaginary  network of:

        a) latitude and longitude   b) parallels and meridians   c) X and Y

Q9: When the scale of a map at any point on the map is the same in any  direction, the projection is:

       a) preserving distance           b) preserving shape       c) preserving area

Q10: 12 miles is equivalent to:

       a) 20 KM                      b)  19   KM                    c) 18 KM


Section B: Answer Fifteen (15) Questions ONLY

Each question one mark. Total = 15 marks.


Q1: Define the followings:



Map projections?            

Q2: List the necessary elements that must be included in a map?

Q3: "Maps can be classified by scale or function", discuss?

Q4: Define the three more accurate approximations to the earth’s shape, illustrate by figures?   

Q5: Define the most common coordinate systems used in cartography, illustrate by figures?

Q6: List and define the main classes of map projections, illustrate by figures?

Q7: List the factors that considered in the selection of map projection?

Q8: Express the following Representative fraction scales into verbal ones?

           1: 50,000  

           1: 300,000

     Express the following verbal scales into Representative fraction scales?

           5  inches   represents       1 Mile        

          2   cm        represents       1 Km   


Q9: Discuss in details the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection,  illustrate by figures?

 Q10: Find the great circle distance between Washington (38 o 50 N, 77 o 00 W) and Moscow (55 o  45 N , 37 o 37 E)?

Q11: Find the plane distance between point A (100, 30) and point B (80, 70) and the direction between them?

Q12: Discuss briefly the principles of Electronic Distance Measuring (EDM)?

Q13: List the devices that used for angle measurement?

Q14: List the most common methods used for distance measurement?

Q15: What is meant by an elevation of a point and why is it important?

Q16: List and define the main segments of GPS?

Q17: Discuss the factors affecting GPS accuracy?