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Mid Term Exam


Subject: Computer Cartography (Geog 3123)

Instructor: Dr. M. M. Yagoub


PM Date: Tuesday 16/04/2002      Venue: Building 49/8                       Time: 7-8


Student's Name:_____________________________   Student's ID:_____________


Answer all questions                                                                 Total marks = 25                                          

Section A:  Circle the correct answer


Each question carries one mark


1. A map in which data collection units are shaded to represent different magnitude of      variables is known as:

     a) thematic                           b)  choropleth                          c) shaded


2.  Information that is not the major theme of a map is known as:

    a) general                             b) specific                                    c) base

3. A feature that has no definite boundary is known as:

        a) vector                           b) continuous                              c) discrete

4. In the visible spectrum, the color with larger wave length is:

        a) Red                               b) Green                                    c) Blue

5. A map that displays two or more attributes simultaneously is known as:

      a) uni-varaite                    b) multi-varaite                          c) bi-variate


Section B:  Fill the blanks


1. Printers are based on using ______________ colors, which are _________ and               ________ and__________

2. The problem with computer-based maps is the fact that, colors produced at one PC      may not look typical at some other PCs. This may be due to __________________       ___________ __________________________________________________

3. Two of the main models used for specifying color are:

    1._______________________________ 2. ________________________

4. Two of the disadvantages of CRT are:


5. Resolution of CRT is measure in ___________while of printer in ____________

Section C:  Each question carries three marks


1. Define visual variables, illustrate by figures?

2. List the main steps for creating a map, illustrate by figures?

3. List the main types of mapping techniques with respect to "symbols", illustrate by       figures?

4. Given the coordinates (x, y): (2, 12), (4, 10), (6, 8), (7, 6), (9, 2)

     Calculate the mean center, standard deviation for each (x and y) and plot a rough scatter plot showing the relationship between the variables (x and y). Is there any  correlation between the two variables (is it positive , negative, or none)?

5. Using the  equal interval, quantiles, maximum breaks, natural break, and optimal  classification methods of data, classify the following numbers into suitable number  of classes.

    The numbers are: 2, 4, 7, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 60, 100, 115, 280.